Thursday, June 08, 2006

"Family" Values

Well, I feel like I'm about to cry. This is one of the most disgusting things I've read in a long time. Are gays and lesbians completely thrown out of 'family' structure because of their sexuality? How dare the government suggest that homosexuals are ruining their precious value system!

"Most Australians recognise that marriage is a sacred union the most basic building block of society and the foundation of a family," Mr Boswell said.

So gays and lesbians are counted as unproductive members of society? Our relationships are no foundation for family? I suppose Mr Boswell would make a family up of a mother, father and 2.5 kids. Yes? Does he have no notion of the changing nature of the family? What then would you call a group of adults living together in a flat? I would count Eck, Leigh and the boys family. Is a single unmarried mother also beyond the realms of society and the foundation of family?

I can barely type, I'm so angry about this. I want to scream at the walls or something.

I know there's a bigger issue at stake here, but I can't help thinking that they have already lost. Lesbians and gays are living together and forming families of their own decree, whether they are Federally sanctioned or not. So how could retaining the 'family' in name have anything to do with keeping values intact?

"Democrats leader Andrew Bartlett says the ban is disgusting and upsetting."

Of course it is!

'This bill doesn't only degrade marriage and is anti-family, it's anti-human and is a validation of a decline in moral standards and decency," Mr Bartlett said.

I am glad that someone has sense!

I am way, way too upset to blog coherantly about this. I think I need to take a walk.


At 2:48 pm, Blogger Jess said...

The way I see it, it's a waiting game. Our generation, and the younger generations have no problem with homosexuality because it was never a heated issue for us. Whereas older society members (and I'm not stereotyping here, or trying not to) had a lot more of the 'being gay is BAD and you will go to HELL' message stamped into them.

I know it sounds horribly slack when clearly that law is wrong, but waiting seems like a better option than demanding everyone see it your way, when they just won't. You can't change people's ideals afterall.

At 4:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had dinner with Barts the other night. He's tops.

At 6:02 pm, Blogger daisy said...

National Party Senator Ron Boswell says there is no stronger bond than that between a man and a woman in marriage.

That, I just have to say, is a complete and utter crock. What about the bond between a parent and child? Between siblings? Between lifelong friends? Issues of sexuality and marriage aside he's still devaluing every kind of relationship that isn't a marriage between a man and a woman. How is that 'good values'?

At 6:42 pm, Blogger Ata said...

Ata's long held view is that family is where you find it. Or make it.

At 7:33 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Hear hear everyone!

I know that it'll eventually change, Jes, but the fact that people think like that (or even represent people who think like that) makes me shake my head.

I know the older generation has more issues with being gay, and OK, fair enough, I can totally understand that, but why discriminate so strongly?

Daisy - Completely right. It's a very general and insulting statement across the board.

Ata - Also, agree there. *grin*

At 8:07 pm, Blogger Jess said...

"I can totally understand that, but why discriminate so strongly?"

Because that's what people will always do? Get together and gang up on other parts of society that don't fit in their specific ideal culture. Look at the whole Muslim thing.

Maybe I'm being too pessimistic, but if it's not gays or religion or some other ridiculous issue that doesn't need bashing, then it's something else. Never changes.

At 8:09 pm, Blogger Emma said...

I guess you can stamp it all with a big 'this sucks' and go get hideously drunk.

That'll show 'em our morals.

At 10:42 pm, Blogger Skywolf said...

Heh. Sounds like a good plan to me. ;)

I just don't understand this level of discrimination. All discrimination is wrong, but at least I can kind of understand the reasons behind some religious discrimination, and (dare I say it?) even racial, when it comes down to age-old disputes between different races. But discriminating against someone because they love in a different way than you...?? I simply do not get it.

Love is love, surely. And heaven knows we need as much of it as we can get in this sucky world.

At 1:30 am, Blogger Narrisch said...

*hugs Em*

Sorry to hear that this vile idea has crept down under now.

I take comfort in the fact that more and more European countries are formally (and nationally) legalizing gay marriage.

At 4:20 am, Blogger H said...

(((hugs Emma and Ash))))

Yeah, what N said. We have been dealing with this BS here for years. My state passed a consitutional ammendemnt last year that says:

"Article XV

Section 11. Only a union between one man and one woman may be a marriage valid in or
recognized by this state and its political subdivisions. This state and its political subdivisions
shall not create or recognize a legal status for relationships of unmarried individuals that
intends to approximate the design, qualities, significance or effect of marriage."

Technically this CONSTITUTIONAL ammedment could render illegal any partner benefits for any unmarried people of any gender, including access to health care and medical decisions.

And it passed by over 70%. I was shocked, appalled and disgusted What makes it worse is that they rallied support and voters by claiming the ammendment "protected marriage" as if marriage itself might become a crime. Gah!

I asked somebody I knew who voted for it why she had. Her response was "Mairriage is very important, we do need to define it and protect it." My response was "Protect from what?" and "Why punish those who don't or currently can't marry but who are in long term, good, monogomous relationships?" Adn she got a bit flustered and said well, she didn't like that part, but it was so important to her that something positive about marrieage be in the constitution that she voted for it as it was.

6 months later she made a nasty crack about some conservative agenda thing in Ohio, and I just looked at her. She said, "Well, I made a mistake voting the way I did"

Too late.

The Conservatives do great advertising and voter manipulation. People are often very misled by them.

It is sad, and horrible.


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