Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Let The Sun Shine

Ah, such beautiful weather we're having! The air smells like flowers and fresh dirt, and all of the trees are blooming beautifully. All you'd need to do is add in the scent of wet concrete in the sun and chlorine-spiked sunscreen and you'd have my childhood summers.

Ash's best friend came over to hang out, so I left them to talk and watched my newly arrived Veronica Mars DVDs and ate the spectacular cookies I made. After that, we ate a massive dinner and found out that A has not one, but two job interviews coming up! She's been looking for work for ages, and seeing as Sweden has no jobs at all, it's very very cool. We all went for a nice walk in the sun and ate ice-cream. Then Ash and I bashed around the free beach ball that came with the ice-creams in a mockery of volleyball.

I love the fact that I have all summer to slack off and play, then I get to go to NY to party, and then I come home to Aussie summer and get to do it all again! Aside from the slacking off, of course, as I'll probably enslave myself at Auto once more. But never mind, I'm sure there will be plenty of time for fun.

What a horrible gloating post. I'm sorry! And I even mean it. Now, off to watch DVDs and eat yet more cookies.


At 5:25 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

Yum. *nicks a cookie*

Good luck to Ash on her interviews! Fab that she's got a couple of possibilities.

At 7:05 am, Blogger Emma said...

Ah, it was actually her best friend who had the interviews! It's all very confusing, Ash's best friend's name is always shortened to 'A' (but I suppose I could say Acy or something).

Ash has been applying all over the place, so I reckon she'll have something soon. *grin*

At 9:02 pm, Blogger Skywolf said...

Okay... yes, confusing indeed! Heh. Ah well... pass my good luck to A instead then. *grin*

And fingers are still crossed for Ash!


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