Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Catch Up

See, this is why I don't like being away from the precious internet. Although I did have a bloody good weekend. I even managed to do a bit of writing, thank bob. Friday was spent travelling down and then making my frantic way to SYN, as the train was late. I arrived just in time and met Charles Firth. He was bloody hilarious, and was happy to talk about his new book, American Hoax. We did have some slight technical difficulties (my microphone fucked up) but all was well. Then it was off to my new job for the first night. I'm working Friday and Saturday at a dodgy little Italian pizza place/restaurant. The pay is rather bad, but the job is piss easy, and I kicked complete arse at it.

It was actually surprising, because Auto basically made me feel like I was completely shit. It turns out that I actually can do the job really well. So that made me feel better. I'm still going to look for proper work, though, because two nights a week (I only did a total of seven hours the other day) isn't really enough.

Saturday, I went into the city and found that Minotaur actually have no bloody idea when it comes to comic books. Or, at least the guy who was there doesn't. He actually told me that they only stocked Amazing Spider-Man up to issue 411. Dude, even I know that that's a crock of shit. I've seen 530-something on their shelves. Idiot. So, after a massive tasty lunch with James, Michelle and Michelle's Mum and sister, we wandered around. I eventually went to visit Cherry at Chocolate Buddha and we went on various missions to find things like soft drink and screwdriver sets. After that it was work again. I then failed to go to Richard's party, which I felt slightly shit about, but a whole lot of people bailed and I was buggered after work.

I ended up mooching around with Sean on Sunday, as he was so drunk the night before that he left his phone in the toilet (not the actual bowl) and slept in, missing work. We had some tea and got ready, then went down to his work. He took a bribe of chocolate, and we pigged out. We then got some chips and ate them in the park, then got a whole lot of videos (including Fame) and watched them. After that, a bunch of us went out for curry. Yay! Oh yes, and I found a better comic shop. My allegiance has switched to Comics 'R' Us. Lame name, but the main staircase is covered with extremely cool Civil War posters, and they have a really good range. Including, to my delight, both Supreme Powers (Hyperion!) and the Sentry. Hurrah.

Monday was largely writing followed by an amazing night out at Auto. God, I love going there and not having to work. There was much beer flowing and I hung out with James and Michelle and a posse of their science friends. They'd all just finished their thesis's, so they were up for a massive one. Cherry joined us, and I ran into Kate! Kate from uni! That was brilliant. We ended up eating Hungry Jacks and getting home late. I tried to pissed-message Hobblings, but I was out of credit. Sigh.

And now I am home, after having a Max Brenner pig out and going on radio today. I need to write. Because I'm very slack.

Must resist urge to blog...


At 4:26 pm, Blogger La Tulipe said...

How does one leave a telephone in a toilet but not the bowl?

Or do we mean in the BATHROOM?

...says Rian, all innocence.

At 12:51 pm, Blogger Emma said...

No, the toilet itself is in a different room... I guess we generalise and call both the actual toilet and the room itself a toilet.

It was in the tiny room, not the bowl... Although if the toilet had of been in the bathroom, I would have said bathroom... *grin*

I suppose that's why we get told not to say 'I'm going to the toilet' in America. Because we refer to the room, and not the actual toilet...

We're weird. I admit it.


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