Saturday, October 21, 2006

She's Not Dead

I say that I'm not dead, but we shall see... this weekend has been set aside to catch up with Erika and Sean and James! So yes, I may actually party so much that my body cannot take the strain...

I've been extremely slack with writing on here, mostly because I've been sleeping, walking around looking vague and being well and truly looked after by Mum. I swear, every five minutes, she's making me a cuppa or asking me what I want for dinner, or organising things that I've left around the house... Being home is the best thing ever! I have my Mum back!

So, yesterday I went to Bendigo to jump through a Centrelink hoop, which may actually be better than I thought. Seems like there are plenty of jobs out there that I can do, actually... Which would be excellent, because I don't really want to spend the entire summer in Automatic. As much as I love the people, it killed me last summer.

Ah yes! And I found the Muse DVD! So very stoked about that. Yay. And my brother built me the most amazing pretty bookshelf! It's so utterly lovely! What a perfect birthday present.

So! This weekend is a being back in Melbourne weekend. Hooray! (Melbourne people, do email me or message me if you want to do something? Yes? You could even ring my old home number, and Erika will probably pick up. I shouldn't be far away, however!)

I'm back! Hooray! And even, you know, getting over the lag! Yay.


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