Friday, October 13, 2006

Yet More America Stuff

I've been a terrible blogger. I actually even had an email telling me off for not recording any adventure... Sorry!

What's new, then? I'm in a hostel in LA, with two days to fill before I fly all the way home by the most complicated route possible. Q has just been shuttled to the airport, and I'm using computer minutes that someone left at the front desk. Nice.

Tell you what, it's amazing how many emails I'm getting. They're really rather astounding. Aren't I the popular one?

So! LA. We've been to Universal Studios two days in a row (Shane, if you're reading this, yes, I went into mostly-lame Van Helsing castle and was scared by the werewolf) and have managed to hit pretty much all of the rides twice. Favourites were the Back to the Future ride (massive curved screen, motion simulators and tiny Asians screaming next to you) and the Mummy ride (coaster in the dark and then backwards again). I had my picture taken with Spidey (thwipp!) as well as the Green Goblin, Captain America, Wolverine (Marvel standard version, not film version, sad to say) and Storm, who ran in at the last minute.

The hostel is pretty good so far, aside from weird people in my room who won't even respond to friendly little smiles and nods when I walk into the room. They just sit there, pretending I don't exist... But there's a lounge (dollar Coronas, hell yes) with a huge TV and a free comedy show last night. Plus accents. Oh, the accents. Irish is still my favourite. I was heartily embarrassed by an idiot from Adelaide and Q yelled 'Sandgropers!' at a trio of Perthians who, I swear to bob, sounded exactly like Jes. I told you that you have an accent, missy.

What else? Q has just left, so I'm fending for myself. I had a photo taken of me crouching next to Drew Barrymore's star on the Walk of Fame. Hollywood Boulevard (literally half a block north) is full of tourists looking faintly baffled and homeless people leering at them. Oh, and t-shirt shops. And churches of Scientology. Hmmm.

Oh! There is a guy who works here who looks EXACTLY like the lovechild of Jack Sparrow (Captain Jack Sparrow) and Will Turner. It's like they finally had all that manlove, and he was the result. He has tatts and dreads, and oh, we have a photo. I will post as soon as I can. Seriously, put a red bandana on him and some eye-liner, and he's the lovechild of so very many fantasies...

Right. I'm home soon! And I miss everyone! There will be a piss-up when I get home, no doubt about it. I'm thinking the Saturday after I get home, and will be staying with Sean and James. So yes, put on your drinking shoes and I'll see you soon!


At 7:04 pm, Blogger Jess said...

Bet the Sandgropers were too classy to yell anything back.

Seems weird that you'll actually be back in Australia for good, or a long while anyway. Been away far too long. ;)

At 9:46 am, Blogger biped said...

But she makes such a nice addition to europe.

At 9:48 am, Blogger Emma said...

I'll be back in Europe soon, probably. Might even do another year, if things go well...

But we'll see.

I can't wait to be home, though. Seriously sick of living out of a suitcase. Grah.

I'm currently trying to decide if I want to go on a pub crawl tonight with the three Brits who have decided to be friendly in my dorm. Should be fun, but I'm poor. *grin* We'll see...

At 4:39 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alcohol is cheap in the states, make the most of it!

At 5:56 pm, Blogger Q said...

I love the way you keep saying "I have a photo of..." "We have a photo..."

*dangles camera*

What's it worth to you?


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