Tuesday, February 27, 2007


While working a routine shift last Saturday at El Caballo Blanco (otherwise known as the Dancing Horses, the gig I do for Artistic) I was surprised to find that on one of ym VIP tables was a familiar couple. Two people I'd once worked with in the deli in Castlemaine, back when I was in year 10. I recognised the female half first, let's call her Blondie for the sake of nicknames, and was startled when her male companion (we can call him Bastard, if you like...) said my name.

Wah! I had haaaated him with the burning passion of a thousand fiery suns when we'd worked together. Hated! He had been such a wanker, and all in a pretend-friendly way. Now, I thought I'd give him the benefit of the doubt seeing as it has been five years since high school finished, and I'd heard from a mutual friend that he has apparently turned into a nice guy. So, I said hello, chatted about what we'd been up to since school finished and everything, and I thought to myself, 'Oh, look, he's a decent human being now. What a surprise.'

...and then he turned around and introduced me to the rest of the table (all complete strangers) as 'his servant for the night.'

Oh, that's why I hate him. Because he's a complete arsehole...


At 1:23 pm, Blogger Jess said...

So that's when you decided to do something icky to his food, right?

At 1:35 pm, Blogger Emano said...

In front of his friends, though, not behind the scenes. It's best if someone knows his food was contaminated with the bodily fluid of your choice.

At 6:22 pm, Blogger Emma said...

The problem with doing something to his food was that it all gets run out by about 8 different people and dropped in a 50/50 split to all of the tables. So, there was no way of knowing which particular meal was going to him.

Otherwise I would have! Grah! And after I told my supervisor, she said she would have, too!

At 12:12 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

Ugh. Some people just suck. Good on you for giving him the benefit of the doubt, though, even if you were right about him all along. It shows that even though he's an arsehole, you're anything but. :)

At 10:58 am, Blogger biped said...

pft. The good thing is that he will meet so many people on his way down who he has offended earlier, all of them eager to give him what he deserves. Yeah, it's nice to have charitable thoughts, it's also nice to get even.


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