Thursday, February 08, 2007

New Things

Everything seems to be working out quite well. This is very good, seeing as I was on slightly rocky ground not so long ago. But, as I should have known, things had a way of taking care of themselves, even turning out better than I could possibly have hoped. There's the job at Swatch, for one, which I am very excited about. It'll give me the chance to do something different, to show that I can be a fast learner, and that I can indeed take on a little more responsibility. It's also very nice to know that there are people out there who really and truly believe in me.

And my course! That starts on the 26th. All new university, all new people, all new classes. I\m really excited about that. I'm looking forward to learning again. I've felt stagnated since I left Deakin, almost like everything I learned was trickling out of the base of my skull. Now, Radio Production is quite different to my Arts degree, but the point is that I'm going to be challenged. How exciting, eh?

Ash! Ash is here! I'd nearly forgotten how damn wonderful it is to have her in the same room. She's happy and enjoying Australia and already has a job working with the catering company that decided to hire me. Probably in the kitchen, which would be slightly less odd than actually working on the floor with her. I'm sure it'll be great, though, and she doesn't have to stress out too much about finding a job now.

My life seems to be going places that I didn't really ever imagine that it would. I've been so focussed on the here and now lately that it's a refreshing change to have things going off into new and exciting directions. I shall boldly go, as it were. Who knows where all this is going to go?


At 11:02 pm, Blogger Skywolf said...

Yay. :) See, you never know what's just around the corner.

At 10:39 am, Blogger Jess said...

She has a job already? Wow. I'm impressed.

At 7:25 pm, Blogger Q said...

I'm jealous.

At 12:10 am, Blogger Emma said...

It was sort of an accident, really... *grin* It's working for Artistic, as I said, and not too hard to get a
foot in the door.

(Move to Melbourne)

At 12:40 pm, Blogger biped said...

Yay for you guys!

At 1:51 pm, Blogger daisy said...

(Move to Melbourne)

Nice use of subliminal messages there, Em.

And yay for everything going so well. Isn't it fantastic when everything seems to just sort itself out?


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