Thursday, February 15, 2007

Good and Bad

It was sort of a mixed bag today.

Bad Stuff:

The radio show was sort of crappy, as we only had one guy messaging in, and he's sort of lame. I was a bit put out with that. It might be my last show for a while (what with busy timeable happening soon) and I was annoyed that it ended on a bad note. Ah well, there will always be other shows.

I felt sick from drinking far too much of Ash's duty free gin last night with James and Ash. Urk. But it was so tasty! I couldn't stop drinking it...

I was supposed to hang out with Erika and watch Angel, but she assumed I wasn't coming around (she didn't get any of my calls/messages today) and made other plans. Shame, haven't seen her in a while.

Good stuff:

Artistic called and flattered me for a while before asking if I'd go and work at one of their top class functions. It seems that they like me. Hurrah! It's so nice to work in a place that is nice to you. I hope I can keep this job after Swatch starts, it'd be good to do a day or two with them if I could.

Muse won a Brit Award! Yay for them!

Lost is on tonight, and I managed to make the TV work properly. Bonus.


At 1:46 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

Bad Things:

You forgot to mention being woken up at a stupid hour by an ecstatic fellow Muse fan...


At 1:43 pm, Blogger Jess said...

Oh pooh. Sorry, I always forget about the radio if I'm not reminded about it on the board. I was on the computer at that time as well. :/

How weird was Lost though? Seriously, I have no idea what the hell is supposed to be going on. Seems like they are just making thing bizarre for the hell of it.

At 3:10 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Well, Sky, it was only 7am... *grin* And it was good news, so I really didn't mind.

No worries, Jes, I was going to put something on the board but I forgot. Twas a slightly shit show, anyway.

Lost... Yeah, no idea what's happening there. Oh, and did you get all of these ads that said 'Don't miss the first five minutes!' and then didn't actually show any of that footage in the episode? Pfft, they suck.

At 8:41 pm, Blogger Jess said...

They didn't? I can't even remember what it opened with. Just Jack/Kate/Swayer in their respective quarters I think.

The Others are just getting a bit too weird to try to believe in anymore. Although I will admit to really liking to girl who was frakking with Jack's head. She was cool.

At 11:35 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Yeah, she was, actually. (And pretty...)

At 3:01 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

Argh, she's creepy... I haven't watched the first episode of the new season yet, although it's recorded and waiting.

And yeah, at least it was only 7am. ;) I think I'd have forced myself to wait a bit longer if it'd been any earlier than that. But I figured it was a sort of in-between hour when you were probably getting up anyway. Still, I don't thank people for waking me up before I'm ready to get up, whatever the hour...

At 2:00 pm, Blogger keppet said...

Sorry Em for not being around for your show. Board advertising is a must!


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