Saturday, June 16, 2007

And... I'm Back.

Whew. I am SO looking forward to my next couple of days off.

Placement was all pretty good in the end. I pretty much followed the pattern of days that I detailed in my last entries, so I won't bore you by going through all of that again. It's funny, as much as I like to get in and actually be doing things, I think I learned a lot by just sitting and watching. Sure, I was a little impatient at times, but really, I was there to watch and get a feel for things, so they had no obligation to make it what I would have absolutely adored (such as getting some time on air, or doing a bit more vocal work, or that sort of thing).

I learned so much about production, it's actually embarassing how shit I was before. I think a couple of the sweepers I randomly threw together will being going to air, which rocks. You really don't get to sit and play in a production studio very often, so that was really, really good.

One thing placement really hammered home is how good my course is for getting a job. It really is totally relevant to the actual industry, which I must admit I was a tiny bit dubious of in the beginning. I feel like going out and seeing it all about mid-way through was really bloody good. I think I'd be quite happy to work in radio, thank you very much.

Anyone want to hire me? *grin*

And now, I can sleep in. Bliss!


At 1:01 pm, Blogger keppet said...


At 3:12 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

That's brill that your course will make you totally hireable. Makes it feel like you're learning something constructive rather than just learning for learning's sake, doesn't it?

Excellent. :)


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