Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Placement - Day 2&3

Well, yesterday I got to muck around in production for a while, which was rather cool. I've learned so much about using Audition, so now my promos and other bits and pieces will sound 100% better. I even got to do the backing vocals on an ad that went to air (and it sounded totally hot). Lots of fun and very cool.

Today there wasn't much action, although the news department was busy as hell because of the train crash. I did a lot of sitting and watching, which is all well and good. I do like actually doing constructive things, though. Hopefully I'll get some more fun things to do this week, like voicing some ads.

Bloody tired. I think the early mornings are starting to show. Getting up an hour and a half before dawn? Ack. Still, at least I have the weekend off. Sort of. Well, I'm working eight hours Saturday... (Soldier on, soldier on.) Seriously, Sunday, I'm doing nothing at all.

Ash and I went horse riding today, which was nice. We went to a place called Iron Bark. My horse was called Copper, and kept trying to bite the other horses and hated having a short rein. Ash rode one called Dusty, who was rather a nicer beast. We ambled in the bush for about an hour, then went back. Very relaxing and lovely.

I feel so drained. I've been going to bed at about 8 or 9 but still... Sleepy. Need more sleep before I start dancing naked in fountains shouting 'I am the Lizard Queen!'


At 8:11 pm, Blogger Q said...

*I* am the Lizard Queen! No, wait. I AM SPARTACUS!

At 9:37 pm, Blogger Jess said...


At 12:30 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

*edges away*

I am neither Spartacus nor the Lizard Queen.

But you can call me Canis lupus of the sky if you like.


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