Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Want! Want Want Want!

I'm having some serious book cravings here. I know, I know, I really shouldn't complain, seeing as I think I was the first one to finish Renegade's Magic and all, but still! There are so many things that I can't get my hands on yet, and I really WANT them!

Least amongst them is this. Red Seas Under Red Skies, aka the latest offering from the wonderful Scott Lynch of The Lies of Locke Lamora fame. I got Ash Lies for our anniversary. I've read it twice, and she hasn't read it at all. Whoops. It's so good, though! Extremely entertaining and tricky, and the characters are very likeable. Want! I'm almost considering ordering this from Amazon.com.uk, seeing as I have no idea when it'll be out here. Publishers say August. Well, I'm not bloody waiting that long if I can help it! Waaaaant this book.

Another book I read and finished yesterday (whoops again) was Godslayer by the wonderful Jacqueline Carey. It follows on from Banewrecker, and is sort of a LOTR-type situation, although it's all told from the 'bad guys' persepctive. Seriously awesome writing, and a very good finish. You almost don't know who to cheer, really. I love that Carey has turned typical fantasy on it's head for this one.

Of course, it's making me want to read Kushiel's Justice. Want want want this book. Oh, yes. Bring it on. Carey is just so good. *happy sigh* Beautifully structured world, great characters and I want to know what's happening next. You can read the first two chapters of this on her website. But don't, because if you're a fan, it'll make you all crazy wanting to read the rest. Another one that I'm considering ordering from overseas.

Then there's the biggest one of all. George RR Martin's A Dance With Dragons. He's working on it, and having to put up with some truly shitty fans who keep pestering him on his blog about it. Seriously, I would knock over an old lady to get this book. I don't care if I have to busk to pay for this (on the off chance that I'm still a horribly poor uni student when it comes out) but I will get it. Drool. If you're a fantasy reader and haven't read Martin, go. Read it now. I know some people don't like it because it's bloody and depressing, but seriously. He's almost the best damn writer I've ever had the pleasure to read. And the size of the world! Give me anyone else who can write something this massive this well and I'll... Do something mad. Because, honestly, he's the best. (Apart from Hobb. Hobb on a good day.)

Also, I'm hanging out for the next installment of Telanu's Tea Series, titled Fire by Fire. Thank god it's fanfic, or I'd have to wait for it to be properly published. Not that I wouldn't shell over cold hard cash to read it. *grin* Ah, Telanu. Not only can she write Devil Wears Prada fic that'll kill you, but her Tea Series... Well, let me just say that thus far, it's magnificent, and it completely opened my eyes about certain characters...

Oh, and then there's this. *grin*


At 10:22 pm, Blogger Jess said...

What, no Deathly Hallows? It comes out on the 21st!

That's why I'm not reading Renegade's Magic actually. I bought it then realised I wouldn't have time to reread all of SC, FM *and* Potter before the 21st, so Hobb has to wait. Tis a sad day.

At 11:12 pm, Blogger Skywolf said...

*happy sigh*
Books... What would the world be without them?

I'm just struggling to find reading time at the moment. I don't know why, but I'm only seeming to have tiny moments here and there to snatch a few pages (or paragraphs) of book lately. There must be too much else going on or something. But Red Seas is next on my reading list. *grin* I shall tell you all about it. Can't wait... hee. You should definitely try and get it on Amazon or something - August seems ages away! But I still don't have new Hobb on my shelves, so I have as much right to gripe at the moment. Ah, there's some seriously good reading ahead over the next month or two... glee.

At 11:27 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Well, I'm kinda OK with waiting for Deathly Hallows. I know exactly when I'm going to be able to get it, and I've been waiting for a while. So no worries about that. *grin*

I hope you manage to find some time, Sky! If I had Red Seas, I'd be nose-deep in it right now...

At 4:48 pm, Blogger daisy said...

I dreamed about those books all night because of this post. And weird, weird dreams as well.


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