Saturday, September 08, 2007


- I found a little toy Spidey on my way home from the train station today. He was probably some kid's prize possession, but seeing as I found him, I'm taking it as a sign and am making him my very own. He even has hands that rotate and thwipp.

- I have a feeling that if Sylvia Plath were still alive, she would really get a kick out of the Dresden Dolls. Especially Girl Anachronism. And if I had of discovered them in high school when I was studying Plath, I might have never left the house.

- I watched the Devil Wears Prada with my flatmates this evening, and kept blushing the entire way through. Especially when anyone got in or out of an elevator. But I did manage to educate my flatmate about the gay, slashy subtext. And how.

- I still need to clean my room. And do my promotions assignment. And go to Ikea for various affordable Swedish crap, including but not limited to Swedish meatballs and lingonberry jam. Mmmm, tasty.

- I think I left potentially sensitive notes about a piece of writing on the bench at work. Goddamn it. I hope whoever found it either chucked it out, or can't read my writing. Shit shit shit.

- I got the best news today. Squee! Top secret, but I bounced for about an hour. Squee!

- Also? A piece of my writing was very well received in certain circles. Huzzah, I say. *pops open champagne* Because it nearly killed me writing it. I have ten drafts all saved under different names on my desktop. Ten! Nobody ever said writing was easy, right?


At 11:46 pm, Blogger Skywolf said...

Nope. Writing is probably the opposite of easy. I am just about to reply to your last email, but had to go back and re-read the piece in question before doing so... *cringes a little* Damn. This bit is definitely difficult.

But it sounds like things are interesting and mostly excellent in Em World at the mo. *grin* Yay.

At 10:17 am, Blogger Emma said...

Oh, I know, Sky. But you've just got to work through it, right? Good luck.

And thank you!


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