Thursday, August 30, 2007


Jes made me do it.

Actually, no, she didn't, but she must have given away some of her crazy good mood while I was talking to her last night. Yeah, yeah, I should have been doing my report, but I think I'd rather chat to Sky and Jes and get all excited about going to see Muse, and going with Jes and Q to Japan as soon as we all have the money, and talking about writing and great books... And passing on smutty messages.

Consider me a happy little thing at the moment. I'm doing well, the course is great, Ash has started her Masters and is exploding with squee over Anthropology again, the new flatmates are cool, and are moving in on the weekend, work is fine (and not hideously confusing) and I've had plenty of time to spend with friends lately.

Plus! I'm writing quite a bit, too. And it's really going well!

I bet it has something to do with the good weather. But I don't care! *grins madly*


At 8:41 pm, Blogger Jess said...

I have infected you!

Oh man, the first couple of weeks in the winter/spring cusp is the best time of the year. I always get ridiculously happy around this period... although more so this year because everything really is just fantastic.

*glomphs back*

And duuude. Japan!

At 1:07 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

Hee hee hee to the passing on of smutty messages. Even ones you didn't figure out the meaning of until a few posts later. *grin* That was definitely J's fault.


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