Sunday, September 30, 2007


Didn't end up going to the movies today. Boo. Instead, we wandered the city, looking for a cinema that was showing what we wanted, when we wanted. (It was a journey reminiscent of Kate and my trek, which ended with us coming back to my place to cackle over Spin the Bottle. Sadly, Wes falling over was not a part of today's merriment...)

After looking around at Greater Union, and not finding much, we decided to have a pint at the James Squire Brewery. Mmmm, excellent, excellent beer right there. Following a leisurely drink and several games of pool, we decided that the Gin Palace was worth a look. We went, we drank (spectacular) gin, we talked about the human body as a machine.

I was going to head home then, but was convinced to try Toff of the Town. Sadly, we couldn't go into one of the tram carriage bars, but we did have Frangelico. Mmmm, Frangelico and lime.

So, you know, it wasn't that upsetting that we didn't get a chance to go to the movies, in the end.


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