Sunday, September 23, 2007

Voice and Determination

OK, watching the video below has kind of made me realise something. I really want to do some voice-over work. Like, seriously. Maybe kind of even for a real life, proper job. I was recording some bits and pieces for a documentary in the studio today, and it's been a while since I used the super-mega-expensive studio microphone and the good headphones (yes, I have been making ads, but I've been directing other people a lot, which is just as fun) and, yeah. I'll try not to sound horribly conceited here, but I really do have a very nice voice, don't I?

Yeah, I know, Sexpot Tones and all that, but I honestly think that with all of the voice work I've been doing (uni work as well as a couple of random sponsorship announcements for JOY949)that my voice has improved, a lot. Which is brilliant, because I'd love to get out there and start voicing things.

I'm going to send a demo off to a certain production company, whose GM came in to take our class for a while. He invited me to after I emailed him about it, as well as telling me to keep practising, but I was too worried about the quality of my proposed demo. Well, as soon as I've finished this round of homework (nearly done) I'm damn well going to put one together and send it away. Because I honestly think (without blowing my own trumpet too much) that I could do it, and that I could be good at it.

So, why not?


At 6:36 pm, Blogger Ata said...

Why not, indeed? Ata would dearly dearly love to do voiceover work also, and had she followed a different path - ie, the path where she went ahead with applying to that Communications course her English teacher suggested instead of dropping out of Uni altogether and then going back to study Speech Pathology instead - she may well have done some by now. Nevermind. I can live vicariously through M. Now you must do it, or doom me to a life of unfulfillment.

At 7:29 pm, Blogger Jess said...

Uh oh. Look what you've done to Ata.

Of course you should do it, Em. If you want it that much and you're naturally good at it anyway, then hell yeah, send off those demos.

At 10:25 pm, Blogger Emma said...

I can live vicariously through M. Now you must do it, or doom me to a life of unfulfillment.

Yeah, now I kind of have to, don't I? *grins*

I'm going to ask my teacher to help me organise it this week some time. How very cool.


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