Monday, September 10, 2007

Super Extra Gravity

What is it about the Cardigans that makes me all happy and mellow and blissed out? I really think they're the ultimate in music for my 'Sitting in front of the computer late at night wanting to get some writing done' moods.

OK, so I didn't get any writing done tonight (none that I didn't delete, anyway) but still.

Must be subliminal messages. I probably understand enough Swedish to pick up on that kind of thing, you know.


At 9:34 pm, Blogger Jess said...

Heh, so no tin foils hats for you anymore?

At 10:14 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Not since Bristol... *grin* Man, that was funny.

At 6:01 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

Ha. Yay Indy for bringing tin foil in the first place. *grin*

At 8:18 am, Blogger Jess said...

I still have that one Q made (was it Q or you?) around here somewhere... although everytime I wear it I get doused in glitter.

At 8:58 am, Blogger Emma said...

I made it! ME!

At 9:30 pm, Blogger Jess said...

*wipes spit from face*

Okay, I was wrong! Well, I still have YOUR wonderful tin foil hat then. And it is made of awesome.


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