Monday, October 29, 2007

To Address a Dress

Now I'm stealing blog posts from conversations. How lame. Well, bear with me, I think this one is rather interesting.

It's been a bit of a running joke between a work friend and I that I should wear a dress to the work Christmas party, which is apparently, a formal affair. (I believe that this was later denied, but there you have it...) Yeah. I have one dress. The One Dress, (much like the One Ring, or in the case of Harlemites, the One Bowl) so I feel extremely strange wearing it to something that isn't the most formal thing ever.

That got me to thinking about why, exactly. Why do I get so freaked out about wearing a dress, and looking feminine? (Or even girly, depending on your idea of what's feminine.) I suppose it's because I don't think of myself as feminine at all. Not really even a little bit. Oh, sure, I'm a woman, and I know that, and I'm proud to be a strong, intelligent woman, but feminine? No. That's something that for some reason I don't think I have a claim to be. I feel as if it's something that I don't dare to come across as. As if it were completely wrong to think that I could.

It's strange. I'm not insecure about myself (except maybe a little when it comes to my writing, but I'm developing a thicker skin, so that's not so much of a problem) and I even rather like my body at the moment. No, to correct that, I love the way my body is. It's getting stronger thanks to yoga, and I actually think it's rather attractive, in a classic-nude kind of way. Whatever, I'm perfectly fine with it, and if other people aren't, then screw them.

But in a dress? I feel as if I'm stripped of all of my protections. Extremely, ridiculously vulnerable. I'd have to be utterly sure that I didn't look completely stupid, or I don't think I could pull it off. It's exposing my soft underbelly* to the world, and... And I don't know. As I said before, it's like being feminine or girly isn't something that I have a claim to. Like I'm an impostor of sorts.

I think I need to perhaps address this. I'm going to organise a night out, and I shall surround myself with people that I can count on, and I will wear my One Dress, and I will look wonderful, and I will confront the part of me that wants to go and hide in a corner when I think of people seeing the side of me that's (gasp!) girly.

Because I'll be damned if I'm going to let this be a chink in my armour.

*Yes, Skits, I know you just thought of Logan just then. *grin*


At 6:48 am, Blogger skittledog said...

Hah! Damn you for knowing me too well. But obviously you thought of him too so no throwing bricks, miss glasshouse.

But on the subject of your actual post, yes - go for it. I am not a girly girl and femininity is not something I am...comfortable with? Hmm, this is something I need to think further on myself at some point, I know this. But either way there is no good reason not to enjoy being feminine, just once in a while.

Personally, I like dresses because you can make them go twirly. Twirly is fun. They also have a feeling of freedom and summery spirit which I love. And people who only ever see you in trousers do get surprised when they see you in a dress - and I like nothing more than proving to people that I don't fit their expectations. (Expectations are bad...)

Here's a radical suggestion for you: buy a second dress. *gasp* And enjoy it!

At 9:14 pm, Blogger Jess said...

You can't be a feminist and be feminine! That's against the rules! Rah rah rah!

At 5:54 pm, Blogger * said...

I'm gobsmacked! I did not know you owned a dress, but that's okay, I'm quite open to new things and i'm inviting myself to this dress wearing extravaganza! I promise not to point and laugh, honest.

At 7:46 pm, Blogger Emma said...

You're on your honour, Tranter. *grin*

Yeah, well. I think I'm slightly less hung up about it all than I was when slightly drunk and writing this post.

It was a rather shocking suggestion, you know, Skits. Two dresses!? Two? I might have to explore that avenue, I really might. I don't know, I just feel so much more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt. For like, everything.

Ah well. Obviously I need a fashion fairy godmother (or father) to wave their magic wand and find me something that looks killer sexy. Then I'll happily prance around in a dress!

At 6:01 am, Blogger No said...

I'm not at all girly to my mother's greatest despair. I don't even own one dress. But I have skirts (I think) Does that count?

Skirts are ok, I think, except when you must wear them for three years in a row at your workplace cause it's part of the uniform.

I'd like to see you in a dress though. I'm curious now and can't manage to imagine how you'd look like. What kind of dress is it?

At 10:35 am, Blogger Emma said...

The One Dress is black, with sort of long lines sweeping from one side to the other, with some ping highlighting those. It goes down to...just past my knee? Oh, and it displays rather a large amount of cleavage.

Scaaaary. But maybe if I'm bold enough, I'll post a photo.

At 11:03 am, Blogger skittledog said...

Ping highlighting?

Skirts are good too. I wore a skirt this evening. Yay for skirts.

Yup, I really should be in bed. Brain = elsewhere.

At 10:27 pm, Blogger Q said...

I've seen The One Dress! I believe I tried it on, too.

I shall be your fashion fairy godmother. I do believe I kept threatening to make you sit still while I put makeup on you last time I was in Melbourne. When you come up here... you'll be completely at my mercy. Oh yes. Perhaps I'll take you to Westfield Kotara and force you to buy a second dress!

Mwah hah hah. I like that evil plan.

At 9:53 pm, Blogger keppet said...

Woman are privileged as a sex because they can wear whatever they damn well like. Pity men who cannot and hope that there is more equality in the future.

'cos men in dresses are nice.

Must rent that Adrian Pasdar cross-dressing film.

At 11:15 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Even kilts are pretty good. *grin*


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