Monday, November 05, 2007


I'm finally getting back into the live radio saddle, having put my hand up for a Cup Day shift at SYN907 tomorrow. It's seriously been ages! But it'll be good, because I might be able to use some of it for a demo. Awesome.

If you'd like to listen along, jump onto the SYN website and click on the 'Play Now' option. I'll be starting at 1pm, Melbourne time and rocking along until 3. I might just invite a radio buddy to come and play with me, so have a listen, it'll be great fun!


At 9:12 pm, Blogger Jess said...

Damn you Victorians for getting Cup Day off! This is going to be the first year in aaaages that I'm not going to be able to watch/listen to it live. Hmpf.


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