Monday, May 25, 2009

For Some Reason, I Want to Quote Plath

Well, I obviously haven't been writing much, have I? Not that I've posted, at any rate, but I did manage to write something that ended up being really pretty cool, which I'm going to send off to Asimov's, I think - in some universe I've decided that it is possible to write sci-fi poetry, and they publish it, so...

Speaking of which, I got perhaps the nicest rejection ever from Holland1945 in that they asked me to submit next time around, and also asked if they could put my work up on Kipple - a poetry blog run by Ashley Capes, one of the editors.

Naturally, I said yes.


I ended up having a fantastic weekend, and even though I didn't know that I was off-kilter, I now feel like I'm my old self again. Everything seems new and exciting and an adventure. Besides, I met a hell-load of fascinating people over the weekend (as well as catching up with people I genuinely care for, because they are spectacular) and for some reason, everyone spent rather a bit of time telling me that I'm great. And although it sounds terribly egotistical, that was pretty lovely, really.

All I need to do now is to write more than I currently am (which is not much) and everything will be fairly perfectly sorted.


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