Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Interior Art

I want to paint on my walls.

No, more accurately, I want to print on them. My ultimate fantasy for wall decoration would be a whole lot of poetry printed straight on there. But I rent! How could I possibly manage to achieve that without actually making a mark on the walls?

I suppose I could project things. Or I could print off huge copies of things and stick 'em up with 3M tabs or something. Actually, that's not a bad idea.

My latest project was to buy some little stick-on hooks and some coat-hangers. I've hung up some awesome t-shirts that I don't wear very often any more. Brilliant fun, especially as I can change them whenever I like. The two shirts that I have up now both have robots on them. Yes, I own an awful lot of robot t-shirts. Hmm, I wonder if I can take a decent photo with my Mac?

*tries to take a photo without the overhead light, which happens to have blown, and I haven't replaced it yet*

Damn, I guess not. Well, one of the shirts is red with a black robot, with white beams shooting out behind it, the other is a light blue shirt with an old-school rather boxy robot on it, with red laser eye-beams and a woman in its clutches. Oh, I'm all class, I am.

I shouldn't be thinking about defacing my bedroom, I should be going and getting dinner. I've been sick for the last couple of days, and I'm nearly better, but not quite. Enough to make me restless. And like I want to go out and do something. But I'm also still rather icky. I suppose this has manifested in my brain running around and around and around like a mad thing. Oh, and maybe I'm also slightly crazy because I'm not drained and nasty after taking 60 phone-calls a day. Thank fuck I've switched departments. I am so so happy at work right now that it seems criminal.

So. Crazy brain. I spent a bit of time writing before, and I was flicking down the words almost without thinking. I wonder if everyone's stream-of-consciousness kind of makes them sound like they're slightly mad. Thought-process is so weird. And sometimes I think I take leaps that are slightly obscure. Actually, I'm pretty sure that I do it all the time. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that I sound kind of weird most of the time.

Aaaah well. We are just who we are, yes yes?


At 5:49 pm, Blogger daisy said...

I'm not who I am, I'm someone completely different. Maybe I'm you. You never know.

At 7:40 pm, Blogger Emma said...

One of the best badges that I've ever seen says 'I'm you, in disguise.'

i'd be surprised if you were me, Daisy-love. But not entirely.


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