Sunday, June 14, 2009

Weekend (+Squee!)

Had a big of a blog holiday for a while, it seems, although I think that I can put that down to a small personal crisis in my world which happened last week, and which, if you know me, realise that it took a whole lot of mental energy.

But all is well, now, I think.

Actually, I had a spectacular weekend, because several Amazing Things happened. Shall we review?

- Went to Lenko launch on Friday night. Free beer, excellent company, and I was remembered by someone whom I think is Very Pretty and Awesome. Always nice.

- Went out afterwards with James and ran about making mischief (but not as much mischief as I would have liked).

- Awoke on Saturday to an empty house (cue music in the shower and strolling about in various states of undress) and then almost immediately went guitar shopping.

- GOT MYSELF A SEXY BLACK FENDER TELECASTER. Squee! I am so in love. And an amp! I've been mucking about with it all night.

- Had delightful company for my very first real play with it.

- Stayed in the country Saturday night with the family, and had a marvelous time. Was exclaimed over for being skinny. Ahaha, take that! And of course, had much fun hanging with my brother and his excellent girlfriend. Aw, I love those guys.

- Got taken out for breakfast Sunday, visited Grandma and stole some of her classical music, then had a roast dinner for lunch.

- Came home, had my Favourite People (the local ones, anyway) swing over in waves, then went for dinner, beer and pool at the pub around the corner.

Yep. That's a pretty fucking great weekend, right there. *beams*


You vanished without diminuendo
To finale our bloody melody.
We necked taut strings and dulled the dark
Throb and pulse of the barely audible lust -

Tremolo touch was sporadic and chance,
Booming swells reverb to staccato-echo-always
Crowning-note marred by foreign noise
Compelled with greater feverency than mine own.


Slick-black danger tones &
Piercing whine stagger from
Unsteady fingertip play.


At 6:28 pm, Anonymous Nick Wallis said...

Well, that does sound a wonderful weekend!
We must have a wild night sometime down Melbourne town!

At 11:49 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Nick! NICK!

Call me next time you're here! Or else!


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