Friday, October 21, 2005

New and Improved

Urm, thanks Sky. I went to Blogger help and fixed it in about eight seconds. Does that mean that I can claim to be a Mistress of Technology?

Probably not.

I had some strange, strange dreams last night. Mostly, they were about work, seeing as my shift was absolutely dreadful. People kept coming in from the (Sky, look away) fishing expo that was on next door. We usually close at 12, but people were lining up for tables at 12:35! And they were being let in! God, it was annoying. Everyone was buggered, and at around 12:45 I went all stupid and hysterical because I was so tired. When the last table left, Ness and I threw ice at each other...

Hence, strange dreams. The standard work nightmare became something about a being part of a Special Team to do covert missions about the place. For some reason, it was mostly on Southbank.

Then, I had some really good ideas for stories for my Nanowrimo piece. I'm basically going to have a couple of characters telling each other stories as a framework. That means that the stories within the piece can be anything I like. I'm all enthused. Come on November!

Emma (with title - finally) signing off.


At 6:38 pm, Blogger Skywolf said...

You're welcome! Heh - sometimes the things that are staring you in the face are the easiest ones to miss... Nice to see titles, though. :)

*peeks out of the corner of an eye*
Poor fishies. :(

At 8:50 pm, Blogger Andy said...

Mistress of Technology?

The mind, or at least mine, boggles...

At 1:42 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Oh, shut up, Dil. *g* Allow me my petty triumph.


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