Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Email, Is Good

This is a fairly silly post, so forgive me. Eck sent me the cutest email this morning saying that she misses me. Well, I miss you too! I really miss Brunswick road and all of my uni friends and... Well, of course I'll be back in October, so not too long to go now. And then I'll be doing honours, after another fun summer of working at Auto (maybe.)

God, I miss Melbourne, though. I'm having a fantastic time here of course, but I don't have an awful lot to actually do. Now that Angel has been well and truly watched and I've read pretty much all of Ash's books... I was actually thinking of doing some volunteer work somewhere. It would be good experience (read: look smashing on a resume) and it would get me out of the house.

But back to the missing of Melbourne. I really miss uni folk. Perhaps I'll give one or two of 'em a ring soon. That would be cool, actually.

Oh, and I'm working on a podcast. Yay. Soon you can catch up with me in voice.

Wow. Terrible post. Sorry.


At 11:42 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Em.

Knock, Knock, who is there? guess who? Aldiana!

For some reason i thought of you today and here i am staring at my computer when i shoud be studying, and i thought: 'redscribe'.

I cant believe you are still o/s! no wonder you're homesick. if it is any consolation, melbourne is pretty f* boring at the moment.

Iaan (wiltshire) recently left to go travelling o/s too! you should get in touch with him - maybe you two can play together!

Hope you are having a balllll of fun.

If you want to volunteer somewhere, i say go amnesty international! (but thats because im a member and am so very biased) . otherwise volunteer at a library. that would be superb!

anyway, adios amigos.

speak to you soon(er or later)

At 1:53 am, Blogger Emma said...

Hey Aldi!

I haven't heard from you in ages! I knew Iaan was coming o/s but didn't know when. That's cool. I should email him and find out where he's at. It would be sort of cool if I just ran into him on the street... *grin*

Are you still at uni, or are you out?

Good to hear from you!

At 12:02 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Funny tidbit of news for you then, Iaan is back in Melbourne! so you can't 'ave him, but i can mwuhahaha! (that is funny on so many levels really, because realy none of us can have one another, being a collective of a lesbian, a gay man and a straight woman)ah,i really do amuse myself...sometimes!

I am still at uni. Ba-Humbug (as scrooge mcduck said). Doing two literature units thsi semester and two philosophy. i will, no doubt, tell you more about this at some stage - my exciting university life.

For now amigo - i leave you to return to my proverbial better half (really, i am better) who is going to massage some dencorub on my prematurely arthritic knees!



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