Thursday, May 18, 2006

Skansen: An Adventure in Pictures

Yes, it is true! My camera was safely delivered from the trip it took this morning! Which, of course, is a very good thing, as I've promised pictures of moose to several people. But we shall start from the start, eh?

Ash and I took the bus (after catching the train into Stockholm) to Skansen, but not before I took some photos of Stockholm on the way. I keep meaning to put up more photos of Oldtown, but I always forget to take my camera, but here are a few lovely photos of Stockholm. Yes, I do drool over the architecture. Everything is so much more... Just stunning. That's about all I can say.

Yes, that is sort of boring, but I thought it was pretty at the time. Nothing like Melbourne at any rate. And then we have a random pretty building. I took it out of the bus window, so I apologise for the silly angle.

I want to live somewhere like that. Everyone, send me your money so I can buy a spectacular place like that. You can come and stay if you like. Free rent and everything. Who knows, maybe I'd even have a manservant named Julio by then.

Ahem. So. We actually made it to the park, where we walked around looking at monkeys (who were seemingly irritated and did nothing but huddle on a branch - I don't blame them, it was bloody well 11 degrees.) Then we walked past some cottages that Swedish farmers lived in around 1945. An old woman dressed for the time sat us down in the little house and told us all about it. She said that the men got paid 300:- ($53 AU) a year to work for the 'rich man,' and his wife would get 10:- a month ($1.75) to milk the cows. You know, about fifteen of them. Three times a day. But still, they did get the house and food and milk and things for free...

Moving right along to all things cute and fluffy.

This is, of course, a tiny little lamb that thought it would be fun to jump on its mother. We actually looked at several buildings and came back, only to find it still nestled in wool. That reminds me of my cat who would sleep on my back when I read in bed on my stomach. But you didn't come here for cat stories... (Well, maybe Ata did...)

This is a bison thing. Ash says European bison. I suppose that'll do. There were three of them, and they all had their winter coats. I wanted to go and give it a good brush to get the icky winter hair off it. It did have a certain moth-eaten look about it. Very cute, though, and very big. There was also a boar running around in the bison enclosure, but it went off to relieve itself when I was about to take a photo.

Mama Bear and one of her cubs. We saw feeding time, too. Mostly bread and apples. The birds tried to steal it.

And finally...

A moose! Ash patted one. She got very excited about this. It is rather cute with its horns all soft and fluffy...

It was a good day. And now you've seen the moose.


At 9:09 am, Blogger keppet said...

It's a good day when you've seen a moose. *nods sagely*

At 7:16 pm, Blogger Ata said...

Mooses really are funny looking. Kind of like they were put together from leftover parts.

I like mooses. Moose? Meese? Moosopi?

At 7:37 pm, Blogger Jess said...

Mama Bear is pissing all over the rock! Nasty.

The moose is nice and leggy though. What's up with its horns though? It looks like they've been cut off a long time ago. Or is that how they always look?

At 8:29 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Hee, mooses. I think it's technically 'moose.' One moose, several moose. Right?

But mooses sounds cuter.

Jes, I think the horns fall off every winter. Or every spring. Either way, I'm pretty sure they were growing back...

At 9:03 am, Blogger La Tulipe said...


Says Rian, who lives with the animals.

And do not let the O.E.D. tell ye otherwise.


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