Thursday, June 01, 2006

Broken Spine

The damn flash kept ruining my shot... And it's sort of hard to make out. Perhaps I should summon Rian to take photos of my book, seeing as she managed it so well.

Ash read it in the bath, but didn't drop it. She has promised me a new copy.


At 9:15 am, Blogger La Tulipe said...

Ooooh. Is that a floor? Very nice floor...

says Rian, twinkling.

At 9:30 am, Blogger keppet said...

How terrible!

I used to attack my mum with a protractor to make sure she never opened a book further than 90 degress.

At 5:25 pm, Blogger myo said...

Floor, rian?
I thought i was looking at wall panelling.

Bob with a protractor sounds frightening. A lot of myo's books have creased spines ... but a lot of them were 2nd hand to start with, so i'm not sure it's myo's fault. Myo's not too fussed about it.
Hmmm ... Myo can see the spine of a book she just finished reading, and it looks fine ... much much better than em's book.

Just to be safe, though:
*Makes note to self: never open a book in bob's presence*

At 6:42 pm, Blogger daisy said...

My flatmate is reading my copy of American Gods, and had turned it over the edge of the table to mark his place while he checked something in his book on Norse mythology. When I told him off he said 'it's not even 90 degrees'. Bookmarks are a good thing!

He wouldn't really hurt it though, as he's well aware of my 'you break it, you bought it' policy, and doesn't have the money to buy me a new one.

At 7:51 pm, Blogger Emma said...

It's actually the kitchen table...

And yeah, I try very hard not to break the spines of books, although some have a few tiny cracks... Naughty me.

At 8:20 pm, Blogger Jess said...

I leave books open upside down quite often... sometimes over night if I forget. Never broken a spine though. I think I'd actually have a sniffle if I did.

At 8:20 pm, Blogger Emano said...

Mr. Midnight incurred my wrath in college after ruining one of my books while reading it in the bath. He was reluctant to even borrow one from me after that-- but my books still looked good.

Take a picture outside in sunlight so you don't need the nasty flash.

At 9:51 pm, Blogger Skywolf said...

Argh. I hate damaged spines. I have a few with one or two light creases along the lamination of the cover, which often can't be helped, but no actual broken spines apart from some poor second-hand books that obviously came from abusive homes.

Steve's terrible for breaking spines. He even physically cracks books open when they're new!!! I can't look. He knows he's under pain of death if he ever does that when borrowing one of mine, though, thank goodness. I'm always donating him bookmarks as well.

At 2:43 am, Blogger Emma said...

I have plenty of bookmarks (even after coming across the world and leaving almost everything behind) but for some reason I'm always using a bus ticket or a scrap of newspaper or an old phone card...

Why do I never actually USE bookmarks?

At 4:53 am, Blogger skittledog said...

I never had bookmarks until I started having Hobbling friends...

I really do not care about broken spines. Yeah, they're prettier unbroken but books are meant to be read, people.

Also, like Myo, I buy most paperbacks second-hand so they're kind of pre-broken.

At 1:09 am, Blogger academiannut said...

I'm with Skit and Steve here. I also crack open and stretch out a book when I first get it so it's easy to prop it wide open while reading. Ya'll would be horrified at my bookshelves. Though like Myo, many were bought used, and so never had a chance.

At 7:21 pm, Blogger Archie Furrows said...

I have to say I'm with the "get on and read it" group here. I'm careful, but not to the point of peering down through two pages barely open :)

If a books signed, i.e. can't be replaced, then I'm more careful, but since most of mine are second hand and, if wrecked, can be bought again, I'm not too careful.

At 6:24 pm, Blogger H said...

I picked up the Crown of Stars series by Kate Elliott very very second hand for about 50 cebnts a book. They are in terrible shape, bent pages, coveres that look like they have been chewed on, and I am enjoying them. Therer words are all there.


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