Saturday, January 06, 2007

To Do List

- Clean room.

- Get watch buffed to get rid of the scratch.

- Finish my novel, edit.

- Find a place to live in the next week or two.

- Get a job, so that I can afford to rent said house.

- Get pins for my notice board.

- Copy DVDs for Q and Sky.

- Watch the new BSG.

- Find a new temporary co-host for SYN.


At 9:38 am, Blogger keppet said...

New place to live? New co-host? Are things afoot?

At 2:36 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Things are indeed. I'm looking for a new place to live next year, which pretty much needs to be sorted before Ash gets here, which will be on the 1st of Feb (yay!). Hopefully, one of the five or so places I'm going to look at this week will come through.

Bit scary, though. *nervous grin*

Aaaand, my co-host is on holidays, so it might be a solo show for me. Eeep. Not that I don't adore the sound of my own voice (like everyone else, evidently...)She's also going back to school, so new host for me would be pretty handy.

At 12:44 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

Aww. Really, Em, copying DVDs seems so much less important than all that other stuff. I'm chuffed. And you rock. But I'm happy to wait... Find a house and a job and a co-host first.

Masses of luck with all of it!


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