Sunday, March 25, 2007

Little Facts

I'm finally getting around to stealing this from everyone else's blogs. Hurrah for me and being creative with what I post...

1. I love the taste of tequila, especially when I shoot it. The salt, the burning tequila and the lemon... It's like a good heart-burny yummyness. And I almost always make a face afterwards.

2. When I was little I used to think I could talk to animals with my mind, or I'd try to, anyway.

3. I'm obsessed with cracking my knuckles, and my shoulders and my neck and... everything that cracks. Oh, my big toes. They've always cracked really well since I fractured them by slipping on a diving board and smashing into the cog that winds it tighter. I think I was about 13 when that happened.

4. My one regret from primary school was that I never learned how to ride a uni-cycle. I tried and tried and tried, but I always slipped off. Lucky I learned to juggle, then, eh?

5. Sometimes when I'm riding in a car or on the bus I'll trace out the shapes of the power poles with my fingertips. Possibly a wee bit of OCD, there.

6. I can read the same book at least ten or twenty times, if I have a bit of a rest between reads. It's like watching a favourite movie or listening to a favourite song. Reading certain scenes is like hitting notes.

7. I'm terrible at adding things in my head. It's like all of the numbers dribble out or turn into meaningless sludge. Alas, alack, that's why I'm a writer and not, *shudder*, an accountant.

8. I'm an excellent swimmer, particularly when it comes to rotating or moving around underwater - like when you're scuba diving. Having a tank and a lead belt was such an amazing thing, as it meant that I could manipulate my position even more. There's a great photo of me somewhere hanging suspended upside-down in the water under a dock.

9. When I was about seven, I had all of my hair cut off and started telling strangers that I was a boy. (How gay was I as a child?)

10. I can't believe I'm writing this one down. Sigh. Fine, but only because Ash thinks that it's hilariously funny. When I was two years old, at my birthday party in fact, I defecated on the lawn in front of all of my guests. Go me for doing something that I could only get away with at that age... (Still, the horror, the horror...)


At 11:43 pm, Blogger Q said...


You just made me cough diet coke everywhere! Lucky for you I missed my laptop.

Oh, Em. Was the use of the word 'defecated' supposed to make it sound classier? I'm with Ash on this one - it's hilarious. And somehow so very you.

At 5:20 am, Blogger keppet said...

Ha. When I was ickle I "defecated" in one of those display bathrooms you get in home design shops.

My brother peed in one of the aisles some eight years later. Odd coincidence.

At 6:13 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Heh heh heh, Kepp...

Was the use of the word 'defecated' supposed to make it sound classier? I'm with Ash on this one - it's hilarious. And somehow so very you.

Heh, yes, making it sound classy is impossible. So ashamed... and also amused. Heh, Mum was so embarrassed... Hee hee hee, I should stop giggling about it, I know...

At 8:02 pm, Blogger Jess said...

You shat in front of people?

*bursts out laughing*

I can't wait to remind you about this at the next meet.

At 12:16 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

Hee hee hee...! I pooed - hey, that one hasn't been used yet - in a paddling pool (which my baby sister was also in at the time) when I was very small. My grandmother, who was watching us, nearly had a fit. She was useless with things like that.


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