Wednesday, April 04, 2007


So here's the deal.

Being busy as made me realise that I still have a tiny amount of time left over for writing. Whilst I am very happy about that discovery, it's also meaning that I want to get my work out there, and I'd really like a second opinion on a certain piece I'm thinking of sending out.

It's the android one, for those of you who have read it. I've let it have a bit of a rest for a while, so I'll look over it and maybe give it a final edit before I send it around, but I'd like some people who haven't read it before, if possible...

If you're interested, drop me an email or hit my comments box, and I'll mail it over. (Possible chocolate will be forthcoming if you live close enough for me to shout you Max Brenner. Otherwise you'll just have my endless appreciation...)

Remember, I heart you...


At 2:24 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

Heh. You know I'm always happy to look over your stuff, Em. But it does make sense to get a fresh opinion from someone who hasn't seen it before. Feel free to chuck it over again if you want to, though...

...chocolate or no chocolate. ;)

At 8:14 pm, Blogger Emma said...

You're the best, Sky. *grin* Right, well, if I actually change it much at all, I'll ship it over your way. Thanks so much for helping me with this!

At 8:16 pm, Blogger Ata said...

Chuck it to me! Chuck it to me! Go on!

At 10:05 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Send it to meeeee.


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