Saturday, July 21, 2007

As Expected

All I really did today was go and get Harry Potter and read it, so that's not too exciting.

It was rather nervous walking through the city on the way to Borders. I had this horrible paranoia that some idiot was going to mention spoilers in front of me and ruin the whole thing. Luckily, nobody did, but it certainly made me jumpy. (Since the leaks happened, I've been threatening death to anyone who spoiled me. Maybe they were listening?)

There was actually a massive queue for the book at the Melbourne Central Borders, but it didn't take too long. About half an hour? Ash had lost her voucher thing, but the staff had anticipated that, with one register underneath a sign saying 'Lost your Harry Potter voucher? Line up here!' Heh. Didn't stop Ash lamenting that she had to join the 'stupid queue.'

Also, I got a fluffy Hedwig. Awww, fluffy Hedwig.


At 7:26 pm, Blogger Jess said...

Yeah, took me about half an hour to get to the start of the line as well. And I had headphone on with the music as loud as possible. I don't trust people.

At 9:40 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Yeah, there were heaps of people with headphones on in the line. No wonder. I kept waiting for some tool to flip the book open to the last page and scream what happened...


At 8:17 am, Blogger Jess said...

Did you see those vidoes of people in America who had read the leaked version, then went around to huge Midnight openings at Borders and whatnot and screamed the spoilers through a *loudspeaker*?

Those bastards. Someone in the line actually screamed out "I'll kill you!". No wonder, that's an incredibly douchey thing to do.

Oh, there were also the drive-by spoilers from cars... and people actually writing *on* their cars with paint/lipstick who had died, and then driving around town so people would get spoiled. Geez.

At 8:49 am, Blogger Emma said...

Yeah, see, no wonder I was paranoid! I mean, come on! That's such a shit and unfunny thing to do!

Which is why I'm telling Ash to stay away from the internet... Spoilers everywhere!

At 12:28 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

Heh. Why on earth anyone would want to queue for hours is beyond me anyway, regardless of shitty spoiler people. (Arseholes. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their armpits.) Why not just order it online and have it posted to you?


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