Thursday, August 30, 2007


See, Q managed to get a least one cool photo of me on her trip down here. Possibly because I complained that Keppet always had really awesome photos...

This is me, on the Bimbo Deluxe rooftop. It's beautiful up there.


Jes made me do it.

Actually, no, she didn't, but she must have given away some of her crazy good mood while I was talking to her last night. Yeah, yeah, I should have been doing my report, but I think I'd rather chat to Sky and Jes and get all excited about going to see Muse, and going with Jes and Q to Japan as soon as we all have the money, and talking about writing and great books... And passing on smutty messages.

Consider me a happy little thing at the moment. I'm doing well, the course is great, Ash has started her Masters and is exploding with squee over Anthropology again, the new flatmates are cool, and are moving in on the weekend, work is fine (and not hideously confusing) and I've had plenty of time to spend with friends lately.

Plus! I'm writing quite a bit, too. And it's really going well!

I bet it has something to do with the good weather. But I don't care! *grins madly*

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Kill All Humans!

I got to the train station this morning and found that the ticket machine had gone haywire and was being poked by a surly tech guy. And then, I find the guts of an ATM all over the floor at Flinders Street station. Machines everywhere are defying their human masters! Oh, that, and Q had to fight with my computer for a couple of hours to get a nasty, nasty virus out of it.

This is the beginning, people! Machines are taking over the world!


Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Wow, haven't posted for ages.

Well, I didn't see Silverchair in Newcastle, but I had an awesome time anyway. (I did see Wolfmother being interviewed at the airport, which I suppose was something...)

Ash left on Saturday, so I'm pretty much in a Pit of Woe. But it's a little one, so it's not too bad.

Also, I'm wanting to get some more writing done. *itches for a pen* Might go to bed and make some notes like I did last night.

Q's coming to visit tomorrow! And hurrah for an unorganised update!

Friday, August 10, 2007


Yay, flying to Newcastle tonight! It's horribly exciting, really. Who knows, I might accidentally see Silverchair when I'm there...

Must make sure that all of my nerdy t-shirts are clean...

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Last Minute Entry

First day back at Swinburne today, and it was great. Looks like this semester will be heavy on production, which is lots of fun and an area that I want to improve in. Also, I'm being encouraged to put together a demo which will hopefully get me some of that sweet, sweet voice-over work that I want.

Also, Muse! Ah, glorious Muse! I. Am. So. Excited. Especially as they've started playing Unintended at concerts again... *beams*

And, I've fixed a piece that I've been tinkering with the last couple of days. It's so much better. Ash is so awesome for feedback.

Time for bed, then.