Friday, February 08, 2008

Fuck you, rental market

So I'm pretty much fucked, right?

I cannot believe I was served with a notice to vacate (landlord wants to move in) during the middle of February and March when every single uni student in the universe is looking for a cheap place to live. Seriously, this is the most fucked time of year, and it pretty much equals me not having a place to live.

It's awful. Tranny and I spent all day today wandering around to at least five different agents, looking through their lists and immediately discarding them, because there's simply nothing to rent. This time two years ago, we would have been fine. We would have walked into a decent place without any problem, but now? Now we're utterly screwed. It's just so goddamn unfair, especially on Tranny.

So, I spent my one morning/afternoon off this week fucking around with houses, driving myself to bitter angry tears and generally being in the worst mood in the universe. But it gets better, I'm working all weekend. Great. I'll be leaving in a few hours to go and do a job that I hate, because oh, did I mention? Triple M has decided that they don't want panel ops after all.

Well, fuck you too, universe. I'm going to try to get all cried out before I have to go to work.


At 5:38 pm, Blogger Jess said...

If worst comes to absolute worst, you can stay in Castlemaine while your housing situation sorts out, right?

It really is shit timing though. What about share accomodation with strangers? Is that an option?

At 7:26 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes you can come stay with your MUM xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

At 8:44 pm, Blogger transparency said...

Argh, Em, I hope you'll find something, a house, a solution or a bunch of solutions.
*crosses toes and fingers*


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