Monday, January 28, 2008

Another Generic Update

Plenty happening lately, the most dramatic news of all being that my landlord has decided he wants his his back, and has therefore given me 60 days to find new digs. Goddamn it, I hate moving so much, and the rental market is fucked. Argh. But I have two months, and Tran is still moving in (thank god) and I'm sure it'll all work out. At least, I hope it'll all work out. Anyone got a spare goat I can sacrifice? Eeep.

So that's keeping me busy. Hopefully I can find somewhere local. I really love the area. Plus, the cafe is here.

Speaking of the cafe, which shall remain nameless, lest people track me down and fire me... Well, I suppose it's OK. I'm pretty sure that one of the girls who has been working there for an age hates me. In fact, I'm rather certain. I can just see the annoyance seething under the surface every time she talks to me. It's not my fault I don't know the ins and outs of the place yet. And I am trying, but the place is just so idiosyncratic that it's really hard to break into. And, I don't know, it makes me feel stupid. Although not as stupid as the girl who didn't know what a cafe latte was. Dude.

Anyway, it makes Swatch a million times more awesome by default. Because I know what I'm doing there, and I can handle pretty much anything anyone can throw at me. It's good to know what you're doing.

Oh, and writing. Don't want to say too much, because it always kind of spoils my ideas in a way, but I have a fantastic one that is fleshing out nicely. We'll see how it goes, but I feel really positive about it.

And that... is all.


At 5:10 pm, Blogger Jess said...

*doesn't know what a cafe latte is*

Good luck with the house hunting. At least he gave you a decent amount fo time to find a new place, technically he can request that you move out within two weeks, right?

At 7:20 pm, Blogger Emma said...

I think he has to give me 60 days by law. I got Louise to look it up for me. Handy, having a law student around. (Even if she does look up old cases in her spare time for possible sexual gratification... Worrying...)

I think it'll be OK, there are a few places I'm checking out that look decent. Still slightly panicked, though.

If you don't know what a latte is... at least you're not working in a cafe. Just in case you weren't being sarcastic, it's a shot of espresso topped with hot, smoothly frothy milk so that there's about a centimetre on top, usually served in a glass.

At 5:13 pm, Blogger daisy said...

"Even if she does look up old cases in her spare time for possible sexual gratification"

I'm pretty sure that's what the entire law profession is all about.

At 6:58 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Heh heh heh, well. Apparently she's not the only one.



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