Thursday, December 20, 2007


Oh, I'm so giggly and full of squee right now. I got a call from Q who was at the Brisbane Amanda Palmer gig (as you can tell, she's my new favourite person in the world) and it was so awesome! I heard the extended piano intro of Half Jack, Umbrella with people screaming and laughing and singing along, and Creep! And she had to stop after the little uke intro because everyone was loving it and cheering so much! And then she played it and, oh, it was so good. Whee!

Yep. See me? Giant raging fangirl, right here. But she's just so good! And I heard her say that she wasn't playing tomorrow, so she could hang out and drink and party with everyone after the show. Now that, that is so very cool. She did sit at a little table for however long in Melbourne after the shows to talk to people and sign things (and kiss me! She hugged me and kissed me on the cheek, it was the greatest thing ever!) so I really can't complain, but my god would it be fun to party with a Dresden Doll.

OK, enough squee.

Well, just a little bit more. I've already put this on the board, but here's her doing Umbrella (well, more taking the piss with the help of the Danger Ensemble) at the Spiegeltent on the night we were there! Oh, and when she walks into the crowd? She was about a foot away from Q. In her underwear.

And it's not all about Amanda! I'll see Sean in a couple of days! Sean! He's flying back and it's going to be so very fucking good to be able to party with him over this lovely festive season. Hurrah!


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