Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Events and Squee

It's been a while between updates, eh? I've actually had a whole lot of things that I've wanted to post on here, but I haven't had the time, or I've been in a terrible mood and haven't wanted to write (although that didn't last long, and Jes and Q cured me of it.)

I went to an engagement party on Saturday night. It was Formal Dress, which meant I could either play the gay card and go in a suit or wear a dress. I considered the suit, I really did, but in the end... Yep. A dress. The One Dress, to be precise. And I looked really good, which was ever so slightly surprising. I'm going to have to get a photo of the damn thing one of these days. Anyway, it was the engagement of a friend of Cherry's, Dee, and his partner Kim. First gay engagement I've ever been to, and I was so touched by the speeches that they both gave (and the speeches by their parents) that I cried. It was the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen. Everyone was so happy and loving and proud. Even Cherry cried, although she'll be the first to deny it.

James and I watched Battlestar Galactica for about nine hours on Sunday, which was most excellent. He's dying to watch Razor now, and I don't blame him. Oh, and he wasn't even shocked when you know who does you know what at the end of S3. (Come on, that's got to be cryptic enough not so spoil?) Ah, BSG. You're so awesome.

Speaking of fan-squee, I have two things to share. The first is stolen from Amanda Palmer's blog. It's also on my iPod and I keep looking at it and thinking 'Man, I love those guys.' It, for me, encapsulates the band. It also makes me really fucking happy.

So here it is. Big giant Dresden Dolls hug!

Isn't that fucking beautiful? I think so.

The second thing I have to share is very cool. I was digging around on the Musewiki and discovered that they made a video at the Sydney concert that Q and I went to in November. Check it out, the sexiest Matt you've ever seen doing Fury, live in Sydney. I fucking love this because I SAW IT LIVE. How many (pro) Muse videos can I say that about? Oh, pretty much none. Except this one. Yay!

There's a better version here which fits very nicely onto an iPod. Oh, it's so pretty.

That's it for now, but I have something else I kind of want to write. Maybe tomorrow.


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