Sunday, December 23, 2007

Ella Ella Ella... (& Christmas)

Well, I sure as hell can't stop listening to the Amanda Palmer version of Umbrella, but I've squeed about her in the last how many posts? Need to stop being so obsessed with that... (Baby it's raining, raining, ooh baby it's raining....)

But today is such a great day! And my Christmas is looking to be absolutely marvellous, so I thought I'd share a little bit of my overwhelming joy at things.

To start with, today, great. Just had brunch with Helen and Martin, which was excellent, as we talked about books and music and all things nerdy and wonderful. Man, I love my friends. *grin* And I'll be heading over to my cousin's place later today if they're home to drop off presents, but in the mean time, I've cranked the Dresden Dolls and am singing along with gusto. (Half Jack! Live!) Fucking adore this music. Best discovery of 2007, by far. And shame on me for not getting to it sooner. Anyway, I'll be doing as much work on the Maldives fic as I can today, as I'm going to have no time over the next few to get it done, and I promised it would be done by Christmas. (If you have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm writing some smut. Great fun...) Anyway, later it'll be going to James's house to watch Battlestar Galactica until the wee hours of the morning, and then we will go and pick Sean up from the airport! SEAN! I'm so, so fucking excited to see him again. I love that boy like a brother, and I haven't seen him in a year! Sean! Sean Sean Sean!

I'll be completely fucked for work in the morning, but I do not care. I just don't. It's going to be hell either way, and staying up until likely 6am squeeing with Sean and James is going to make me so very tired, but I do not care. And then Christmas! Oho, it's going to be the best day.

We have feasting planned, and I just got Dale Guitar Hero III, which is the most fun, ever. (And Knights of Cydonia is on it! Yay for Knights!) And I'll be getting my new birthday/Christmas iPod, which will be shiny and wonderful. And Helen might come up in the evening and join the fun (because she's spending the day hosting Christmas in the homeless shelter she works for. Is she not the best person, ever?) Oh, and then there's this. Transcribed from a phone call I had with my Mum last night.

Me: Is the bottle shop open Christmas Eve? I want to get Rick some beer, you know, something he hasn't tried before...
Mum: (asks Rick in the background) Is it open? Yes? Yes, and I was thinking we could get some spirits...
Me: (thinking of Baileys or something Mum friendly) Oh yes, that'd be great! We should get drunk. (Jokingly) We should get Grandma drunk!
Mum: Yeah, so do you want to get some tequila? Or vodka? Oh, no, tequila! You can come with me and show me which one to buy...
Me: !
Mum: ...the gold kind is good, isn't it?
Me: !! Yes! (laughs) Are we going to have tequila shots? Oh my god! That's the coolest thing ever! Dale's never had them, has he? Oh my god! I can't believe you're suggesting tequila shots for Christmas!
Mum: Yes! Won't that be fun!
Me: Wow! Tequila shots and Guitar Hero! This is going to be the best Christmas ever!

So, yes, it pretty much will be the best Christmas ever. I'm so excited, this is going to rule.

So, Merry Christmas, everyone! And if you're celebrating something else, then I hope that you have a brilliant time celebrating that! (Like Festivus... Hee hee hee, Feat of Strength!)


At 10:29 am, Blogger Ata said...

"Yes! Won't that be fun!" is such a Mum expression... somehow, applying it to tequila shots seems... disorienting. It's what my Mum says when she's suggesting going to Get Stoned for potato wedges. Admittedly, they do make great potato wedges.


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