Thursday, February 21, 2008


Mmm. I feel good. I've just been sprawled on the couch with a book across my lap, and my efforts to get some notes down for the current Work in Progress were really very rewarded. I've cleared up the ending (I think) and now I can try a second draft.

The first draft, I tried to write in a cafe. Needless to say, it was shit, as all first drafts tend to be. But in writing it, I established exactly what I don't want to do. So it was helpful, anyway.

In other news, I bought a new ink pen and subsequently have ink all over my hands. New York ink, which stains like a bitch. But it's worth it, I feel like I've done some good work tonight.

Plus, What the Sea Wants, the Sea Will Have is a fucking great album. Mmm, Sarah Blasko.


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