Wednesday, March 05, 2008


WARNING: Pretty much entire post of squee.

So, I'm listening to a leaked version of the Muse HAARP CD, the gig they played at Wembley Stadium. What? I paid to see them four times (four!) last year, and I'm going to get the DVD/CD combo as soon as it's humanly possible with cash money. Don't judge.

Anyway, it's the BEST THING EVER. I'm too filled with squee right now to really say why, but... It sounds amazing. Almost as good as seeing them live, to tell you the truth. I'm getting delicious shivers listening to Knights and Butterflies and Hurricanes, remembering how extraordinarily good they were when I saw them in Melbourne and Sydney.

OK, so Invincible just came on. I always thought it was sort of boring (even live) but Matt's doing this amazing weird static thing which, coupled with what the set would have looked like, is spacey and cosmic and spectacular.

Not to mention the sheer sexiness of Supermassive Black Hole live. Dude.

Ooooh, piles of squee. PILES.

And I haven't even listened to Micro Cuts or Take a Bow.

OK, Time is Running Out is making me shiver like mad. How fucking awesome! The crowd! Oh holy fuck! Best version ever! Oh my god!

Matt at the end of the song: That's the biggest mosh pit I've ever seen! And I've seen a few...

Hee hee hee.

New Born! Ah! This is just... Epic. In such a happy place right now. The guitar! Ah! I'm smiling so much that my face is aching.

Unintended... Wow... I had to actually stop and close my eyes when this came on. Wow. Delicious.

Wait for it... Micro Cuts. Oh holy hell. Jesus. Achingly beautiful. Matt's voice is soaring. This rocks!

Stockholm Syndrome! Freaking amazing! This has always been one of my favourite songs to rock out to, and it sounds like it completely went off. Plus, awesome extended outro.

Take a Bow! Oh so good. Although, fuck them for cutting out all of the crowd-chorus in the beginning of this song. When I heard it for the first time live, the swell of the crowd mingling with Matt's divine voice was the greatest thing I've ever heard in my entire life. How dare they strip it back! Ah well, it's still spectacular.

Go listen, folks. Or better yet, GET IT WHEN IT COMES OUT. DO IT NOW.


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