Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Daddy, Daddy, you bastard, I'm through. - Plath.

Pain has resurfaced.

Tonight, I have witnessed a character caring for her dying father. He was in a bed in her home, surrounded by his children and a carer. So did my father die, but we were not there…

The last shot showed a dead man’s vacant eyes. They are brown, as my father’s were green. I have my father’s eyes, both present in my body and in my mind.

The characters clustered around their dying father, they were looking into his eyes as the light faded from them. Where was I? Gone.

I cannot stop sobbing.

Was he thinking of me? I don’t know. I never will.

Our greens were matched. I have ever been my father’s daughter.

He’s dead. That’s it.

Did he even know who he was looking at, the very last time? He was dying, and confused. Is it not possible that to him, I was a stranger? Did he remember me as a child, helping to make mud bricks?

I cannot stop sobbing.

Did he know who I am now? Could he see me? Did he know the direction of my heart?

I am raw.

I wasn’t there. I wasn’t even fucking there.

I watched the other man die; an actor, a fake. That is perhaps the closest I will come to seeing my father, my blood… die.

I am torn apart.


At 2:18 am, Blogger La Tulipe said...

Of course he thought of you, my love. I am a parent. I know. You were ALWAYS in his heart.

And he did not blame you for not being there. I know that also.

Do not weep, my heart, my Emma. He loves you still and will always.

At 3:27 am, Blogger Emano said...

It's times like this I wish I had magic words to say that would make someone feel better. I hope your green eyes end up being a positive reminder of your father.

At 11:21 am, Blogger Emma said...

*long sigh*

Thank you for your words.

You are right, Rian. Thank you. *slight smile*

And emano, everything I am is a postive reminder of my father, although he will never know that.

Six years later and I can still be set off... That's rather depressing, actually.

At 2:59 pm, Blogger Jess said...

Oh, Em. *hugs*

You break my heart. He knows, how could he not? You're his little girl.

At 3:08 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

Of course you can still be set off six years on, Emsie... you loved him. Love him still. Your pain is an affirmation of that love.

He knows how you feel, Em. He knows. And he loves you for it. Never think he doesn't see you, and know you. He does.

At 7:10 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Thank you, thank you...

Just reading this is making me cry again. But it's good, you know?

Thank you.


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