Tuesday, February 27, 2007


While working a routine shift last Saturday at El Caballo Blanco (otherwise known as the Dancing Horses, the gig I do for Artistic) I was surprised to find that on one of ym VIP tables was a familiar couple. Two people I'd once worked with in the deli in Castlemaine, back when I was in year 10. I recognised the female half first, let's call her Blondie for the sake of nicknames, and was startled when her male companion (we can call him Bastard, if you like...) said my name.

Wah! I had haaaated him with the burning passion of a thousand fiery suns when we'd worked together. Hated! He had been such a wanker, and all in a pretend-friendly way. Now, I thought I'd give him the benefit of the doubt seeing as it has been five years since high school finished, and I'd heard from a mutual friend that he has apparently turned into a nice guy. So, I said hello, chatted about what we'd been up to since school finished and everything, and I thought to myself, 'Oh, look, he's a decent human being now. What a surprise.'

...and then he turned around and introduced me to the rest of the table (all complete strangers) as 'his servant for the night.'

Oh, that's why I hate him. Because he's a complete arsehole...

Thursday, February 22, 2007


So, had my first shift on Tuesday. It's actually going quite well. I'm loving not working as a hospitality bitch. Something about not carrying plates or running up and down stairs while people bellow at you about ice buckets...

There is so much to learn, I feel slightly stupid, but I'm sure that'll pass as I start actually retaining some of the information. There are so many products to learn about! So many things to think about when it comes to returns and trade-ins and stuff like that.

And, I've discovered that I could so easily become a watch nerd. Lots of limited editions, lots of fancy ones that say, light up when you tap them, or you can play games with, or have an oscillator instead of a battery so they're charged when you move your hand...

But still, the work is good, and it'll fit in with everything else, and all is well.

Hurrah for a proper job with sick leave and penalty rates on the weekend! Hurrah for being able to wear runners and jeans! Hurrah for it being in the city centre! Hurrah for 40% staff discount! Hurrah for Swatch!

Friday, February 16, 2007

New York

I can't seem to get New York out of my head lately. Maybe when I was there (I almost typed 'when we were there') someone knocked me out and took a little bit of my brain or something. Or maybe it's just because I've seen a few movies and things that feature Times Square.

I loved New York. Maybe it was just the awesome people I was there with (you know who you are) and the fantastic time we all had. But no, I honestly think that the city charmed me quite a bit.

I think I could live there. I think I want to live there, or at least go back again for a large amount of time. It gave me such a sense of everything being right there, all crammed in, meaning that there was music and art and writing and different people and cultures and religions everywhere. I want more.

Of course, New York isn't cheap, so I'll have to wait until I'm rich and or famous before I invest in a funky loft or something. Talk about inspiration to finish my novel...

Blissed Out

My iPod decided to play this song twice today. I took it as a sign. Every time I hear it, I get goosebumps remembering the live version. Oh, Muse, how wonderful you are.

Everything about you is how I wanna be,
Your freedom comes naturally,
Everything about you resonates happiness,
Now I won't settle for less.

Bliss - Muse

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Good and Bad

It was sort of a mixed bag today.

Bad Stuff:

The radio show was sort of crappy, as we only had one guy messaging in, and he's sort of lame. I was a bit put out with that. It might be my last show for a while (what with busy timeable happening soon) and I was annoyed that it ended on a bad note. Ah well, there will always be other shows.

I felt sick from drinking far too much of Ash's duty free gin last night with James and Ash. Urk. But it was so tasty! I couldn't stop drinking it...

I was supposed to hang out with Erika and watch Angel, but she assumed I wasn't coming around (she didn't get any of my calls/messages today) and made other plans. Shame, haven't seen her in a while.

Good stuff:

Artistic called and flattered me for a while before asking if I'd go and work at one of their top class functions. It seems that they like me. Hurrah! It's so nice to work in a place that is nice to you. I hope I can keep this job after Swatch starts, it'd be good to do a day or two with them if I could.

Muse won a Brit Award! Yay for them!

Lost is on tonight, and I managed to make the TV work properly. Bonus.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

From Melbourne

...ever wanted to see a photo of me singing into a beer bottle?

Well, here you go then...

Thursday, February 08, 2007

New Things

Everything seems to be working out quite well. This is very good, seeing as I was on slightly rocky ground not so long ago. But, as I should have known, things had a way of taking care of themselves, even turning out better than I could possibly have hoped. There's the job at Swatch, for one, which I am very excited about. It'll give me the chance to do something different, to show that I can be a fast learner, and that I can indeed take on a little more responsibility. It's also very nice to know that there are people out there who really and truly believe in me.

And my course! That starts on the 26th. All new university, all new people, all new classes. I\m really excited about that. I'm looking forward to learning again. I've felt stagnated since I left Deakin, almost like everything I learned was trickling out of the base of my skull. Now, Radio Production is quite different to my Arts degree, but the point is that I'm going to be challenged. How exciting, eh?

Ash! Ash is here! I'd nearly forgotten how damn wonderful it is to have her in the same room. She's happy and enjoying Australia and already has a job working with the catering company that decided to hire me. Probably in the kitchen, which would be slightly less odd than actually working on the floor with her. I'm sure it'll be great, though, and she doesn't have to stress out too much about finding a job now.

My life seems to be going places that I didn't really ever imagine that it would. I've been so focussed on the here and now lately that it's a refreshing change to have things going off into new and exciting directions. I shall boldly go, as it were. Who knows where all this is going to go?