Sunday, March 25, 2007

Little Facts

I'm finally getting around to stealing this from everyone else's blogs. Hurrah for me and being creative with what I post...

1. I love the taste of tequila, especially when I shoot it. The salt, the burning tequila and the lemon... It's like a good heart-burny yummyness. And I almost always make a face afterwards.

2. When I was little I used to think I could talk to animals with my mind, or I'd try to, anyway.

3. I'm obsessed with cracking my knuckles, and my shoulders and my neck and... everything that cracks. Oh, my big toes. They've always cracked really well since I fractured them by slipping on a diving board and smashing into the cog that winds it tighter. I think I was about 13 when that happened.

4. My one regret from primary school was that I never learned how to ride a uni-cycle. I tried and tried and tried, but I always slipped off. Lucky I learned to juggle, then, eh?

5. Sometimes when I'm riding in a car or on the bus I'll trace out the shapes of the power poles with my fingertips. Possibly a wee bit of OCD, there.

6. I can read the same book at least ten or twenty times, if I have a bit of a rest between reads. It's like watching a favourite movie or listening to a favourite song. Reading certain scenes is like hitting notes.

7. I'm terrible at adding things in my head. It's like all of the numbers dribble out or turn into meaningless sludge. Alas, alack, that's why I'm a writer and not, *shudder*, an accountant.

8. I'm an excellent swimmer, particularly when it comes to rotating or moving around underwater - like when you're scuba diving. Having a tank and a lead belt was such an amazing thing, as it meant that I could manipulate my position even more. There's a great photo of me somewhere hanging suspended upside-down in the water under a dock.

9. When I was about seven, I had all of my hair cut off and started telling strangers that I was a boy. (How gay was I as a child?)

10. I can't believe I'm writing this one down. Sigh. Fine, but only because Ash thinks that it's hilariously funny. When I was two years old, at my birthday party in fact, I defecated on the lawn in front of all of my guests. Go me for doing something that I could only get away with at that age... (Still, the horror, the horror...)


I can't wait for Spidey 3. Eeee!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Fine, Yes, It Might Be Because of Some Muse Lyrics

I feel like writing today.

That might seem like something that you'd find me saying all the time, but it hasn't been true for a while. It's funny, so many people I know who write tends to find it so hard to sit down and get to it. Shouldn't it be easy? Shouldn't we be scribbling things every time we think of something new and different? I can't speak for anyone else, but I find writing really daunting sometimes. If it's not something I can tap out in half an hour (like a movie review) and know that what I can do is going to be perfectly fine, I get... worried? Anxious?

I didn't put that very well at all. I suppose what I'm trying to say is that there are throwaway pieces and pieces that you have to work bloody hard on, because they're likely to be ripped to shreds (probably for their own good, mind you.) Throwaway pieces are fine, I can do them, but I've been completely unable to work on my novel for a while.

I need a good slapping to get over it, I think. Or theme music. Yeah, I like that idea.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Radio etc.

It's really quite sad that I'm writing this, but the course isn't as much fun as I thought it would be. Well, it has gotten slightly better since I last moaned about it, but all in all... some of it is so boring that I want to tear out my eyes. No offence to the teacher taking the class, but we go through material so slowly that I want to scream. It's so patronising! Having said that, I knew that the first six months would be slightly crap, as we're looking at fun things like radio ratings and copyright law.

Anyway, anyway, my goal is to get out of this course with enough material to do some work as either a presenter (which would be awesome) or a voice actor, because apparently my voice is rather good and it makes the money. And you know, not being dirt poor would be a nice change.

I shouldn't really complain about that, I have far more than most people. I just hate having to worry about things like rent. And I think it'll get better from here, it's just a bit shit at the moment. Ah well, life goes on and I'm sure it'll all work out. I think I'm mostly just stressed about being so busy.

Now, it's all cold and gloomy, so I'm going to retire to bed with Ash and a book to get all snuggly. Aw.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Two Years!

Today is the anniversary of the very first date in Paris! Two whole years for Ash and I!

Ah, can you believe it? *grins* Hurrah!

We'll go out for dinner tonight to celebrate it in one of the great little alleyway restaurants on Degraves Street, or possibly Hardware Lane. (They have live jazz playing most nights on Hardare Lane, it's rather awesome...)

I didn't really want to do the whole sappy 'devote your entire blog to your signifigant other' type thing today, but I certainly thought it was worth a mention...

Two years!