Wednesday, November 28, 2007

So how the hell am I?

I'm pretty good, thank you.

Wow, so, it's my birthday coming up. Odd. I feel strangely relieved to be turning twenty-three. It's almost as if I'm catching up to something. Maybe it's because I'm always slightly surprised that I'm twenty-two. It seems so awfully young. And yes, of course, I am awfully young, in the grand scheme of things, but... I somehow feel older than that. Maybe I feel that way because of certain experiences that I've had in my life that have no doubt influenced aspects of my character. I don't know. But it'll be good to catch up, even if I'm making it all up in my head.

Also, just so you know, I'm writing this very late at night, so please excuse any oddness in my ramblings.

I had another training session at Triple M today, and it went wonderfully. The last one was mostly watching the drive show coming in from Sydney, and my teacher person showing us how to time in the local news and traffic and commercials. I think it sounds harder than it is (now that I've done a bit more) but basically Sydney will send a pulse down the line which will trigger off, say, the traffic bed. (The traffic bed has an intro, and then runs under the pre-recorded traffic that you have to time in to the second.) You basically make sure that there is enough time in your scheduled ads, and insert the updated traffic, and time in news on the hour...

Yeah, so today I was basically doing that. And I didn't fuck it up! In fact, my teacher was telling me that I was doing really well. So I guess I'll have a few more training sessions to make sure I know what to do should things go horribly wrong, and then I'll actually start doing it properly. So that's rather exciting!

Also, I seem to be drenching myself in new music, and it's fabulous. Plenty of new albums to listen to. I'm really enjoying bits and pieces of Regina Spektor, actually, as well as finally getting around to giving Sarah Blasko a proper run. Not to mention the Air I'm currently quite addicted to. Oh, and Belle and Sebastian are getting a fair trot. Don't Leave the Light on Baby if You're Feeling Sinister is a new favourite song. I'm yet to listen to the VAST and Pendulum I stole from Q, but I'll get there. I did get fed rather a lot when I was up the other weekend.

This is turning into much rambling, and it is getting kind of late. Off to bed I go, I think. Oh, and I must send another round of birthday invitations around... If you're reading this and I forget you, and you have my email address, poke me. Because you're most likely invited.

G'night, internets.


At 9:18 pm, Blogger Jess said...

I have Aiiir for youuu. Hee hee. And now I am jobless, I actually will have time to give it to you! Huaarray.

Heehehee. Excuse the tipsy message.

At 11:57 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Wheee, Air. I wants it, my precious.

Thank you Jes!

And congratulations again! You're very brave, and you rock.

At 2:53 pm, Blogger Jess said...

Hah! Brave my arse. After all that, it was still just a job. ;)


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