Thursday, December 06, 2007


It's 9.50, and I'm thinking about going to bed. That's got to be some kind of crazy record. Then again, I was up (and about, and cheerful) at 6.50 this morning. What the hell? Is someone like, messing with my time zone or something?

I spent most of today in the "Cage" at Head Office sifting around through boxes of Calvin Klein paraphernalia. It was much less fun than it sounds. But then I got to pack magazines! And embarrass myself by walking around the sleek office in my old clothes that I wore in case I got dusty! Er, yeah. Fun times were had by all.

I was so tired when I got home that I didn't even feel like rocking down to the Speigeltent just in case Amanda Palmer was hanging out there.

That makes me a sad panda.


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