Saturday, March 15, 2008


We got a place, and I'm moving this weekend. Gah! Stressful! I'm actually dying, and Tranny is NOT helping because he went out all night last night (as he does) and is now collapsing in hysterical giggles at the mention of anything at all. Also, he put on a Cher CD to pack to, and keeps warbling along to it in a silly voice. Ye gods.

Most of my crap is in boxes, but I still have plenty to go. I'm going to have to pack the comp up soon, too, so I have no idea when I'll be in touch with the internet world again. (Also, the board is down, hence me posting here...)

I've pretty much got to sort out all of this shit in the next couple of hours, because after that I'm going to a picnic that I organised (with the help of the two most organised people in the known universe). It'll be great, but nevertheless, I'm stressing.

Too much to do! Way to much shit to pack! Argh!

I'll post again from my new home. Oh, and probably photos of things.



At 12:19 am, Blogger keppet said...

At least Cher provides an incentive to pack faster.

At 1:55 am, Blogger Emano said...

Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves? Or more like Turn Back Time?

At 4:14 pm, Blogger Jess said...

Someone's stuck in a Buffy episode...

At 5:37 pm, Blogger Emma said...

It was her Best Of.

Yeah, nasty business.

But, everything is now at least in the new house, so all I have to do it put it all in order. Wah.

At 3:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 2:40 am, Blogger * said...

I'll have you all know that that day has possibly inspired my new 'work in progress' cabaret (working title: Gypsies, Tranny's and Thieves OR If i Turn Back Tranny). Emma made me realise that I connect with people on a personal level, followed by the consumption of their souls... MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!

At 7:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow great news!

*impatient to see some photos*





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