Monday, April 13, 2009

I'm static and sparking -
Watch my bright eyes as they
Shine at you, just you

(Although, dousing me is a
Feat you've mastered.
I attribute no blame - my fires
Leap out, dark and hard;
Weathering can ache.)

Still, my tended lick of heat is
Glowing nicely now -
I think it an easy
Full blush.


Of-times I stop, I flutter -
Will you tire of lending me lessons?
I'm alien, mis-read
I drop basics and throw away
Perfect norms in mad
Reckless heaves.

I'm Published! Go Look!

I just got sent the link for Verb-ate-him Issue One, which I am delighted to be included in.

Go look!

The Verb-ate-him website.

Direct link to download Issue One.

Oh, hurrah. And I checked my email after I got off the phone with Kerith (astonishing writer - not just saying that because you're probably reading, either) who is also in there. Very pleased to have something that I can bandy about, and say 'Look! It's not just my mother who thinks that I can write!'

I was also offered a terribly unique perspective on that particular piece, which has made me think of it in a very interesting way. I really do love having new ideas thrown at me - it proves my point that everything will bring something to a piece of writing, and it really does go both ways.

In other news, had a brilliant weekend in the country. I got completely looked after, and got to see people I don't see often enough, and... I don't know, there's just something blissful about going somewhere and being roundly appreciated for just being yourself. I really have love around me in buckets, and pondering that makes me happy.

I've also just cleaned the hell out of my room, and found not only some touching little items (letters from my Grandma, Swedish coins, an old teapot which I thought I'd lost) but also a box full of books that I'd forgotten about. Looks like I'll be using that 'spare' bookshelf (number three on the bookshelf hierarchy) after all.

Today is excellent. I think I shall try to write, when I have eaten.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Another dreamy Saturday, another day basking in the sun and drinking coffee and eating my favourite salads from Macro (not healthy at all, in fact, I dub the unholy creation I have discovered the 'Carbohydrate Fiesta' - all rice and potato and delicious things).

Saturday is my recharge day, I always wander back from my little excursion with poetry threading through my mind, with words gathering into little clumps. I feel refreshed, renewed, balanced.

And now I'm off to see some truly spectacular people. Today is pretty well perfect.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

A One-Woman Cello Version of Time is Running Out. Ah.

I fucking love Zoe Keating.

I saw this in Melbourne when she toured with Amanda Palmer, and it was absolutely beautiful. It's such a pity that events conspired against us in Brisbane and we missed her opening. I would have loved to hear this with Q.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Actually, I could be a zombie

I'm thinking, following the advice of some fellow writers, that I should probably stop posting bits of poetry up here. Well, things that I intend to submit, anyway. I'll probably still throw up some scraps. I've been writing bits and pieces lately, but the last few days have been sort of busy, and I'm excruciatingly tired tonight. I suspect that what I really need to do is to sleep, or perhaps watch some Buffy and lay about for a while, then sleep.

Ah. This has been a strange few days. My weekend was great, but sort of off-kilter. I think I need to displace some of my rituals. Perhaps they're hemming me in.

Too tired to muse. Rah, bed.

Thursday, April 02, 2009


Above me sails a flush of
Resplendent grace,
White, towering majestic -
The etheric grace of
Careful air
Now blushing gold and
Diminishing with perfect silence to
Humble grey,
An easy float.


I have Pages on my laptop now. Thanks, Tran. And it is honestly as if I have opened something new in my life - I now have just the right outlet. Things are changing, it seems.


Midnight child -
My dark sister's hands twine
Yet with my own