Saturday, August 27, 2005

So, the launch was last night. I went into the city with Sean, and we had dinner in one of the cute laneway cafes on Degraves Street. I had this massive warm chicken salad and ate Sean's chips. Then we met Erika and James at Darrell Lea and pigged out on pick'n'mix. We caught a tram to the Malthouse and went to get dodgy Chinese for the starving James and Erika.

They ate their Chinese food on a park bench. James yelled 'I am not an animal' with soup on his chin. *laughs* Then, we made our way to the Bagging Room.

We each grabbed a drink, and I went and got my free copy. The room was packed, and there weren't many people I recognised. I said a quick hello to the Editors I knew and then the speeches began. There were thank you's and readings (which were all very, very good) and then we kept drinking and circulated some more. I stalked and talked to an old tutor of mine (who has retired, but who I've personally heard saying 'Fuck'... hilarious) then had a chat to my Fiction tutor from last semester. He looked a bit nervous at being approached by a student. As well as talking to him, I stammered awkwardly at the unit chair of Non-Fiction writing, who is huge in the photography world and gives amazingly good lectures. Had some more wine. Went red.

We left after they kicked us out and caught the tram home. After a few vodkas, some dancing, singing to Aretha (to a curtain rod, no less) and some rather obscene (there's that word again) Twister, we went to bed. I rang Ash (aww) and attempted to sleep.

And that's about it.


At 5:42 am, Blogger H said...

And in logging in to MSN, woke me out of sleep. I wanted to know about the celebrations... and managed to ask successfully among more than half asleep non-sequitars.


Is there a website link to the Journal?

At 11:50 am, Blogger Emma said...

I think the site is down for maintenance... But it might be here:


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