Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Transribed from an email to Sky...

But there were so many perfect little moments, like balloons full of streamers bouncing over the crowd when they rocked out to Bliss, Matt pausing for a moment during Time Is Running Out to let the crowd sing ('Bury it, I won't let you bury it, I won't let you smother it...') and getting this gorgeous little half-smile on his face as the entire place chanted the lyrics, him standing in front of the screen in silhouette as the opening notes of Take A Bow started playing, with his hand in the air, the beautiful piano in Butterflies and Hurricanes and made me close my eyes and just listen and shiver, the way everyone sang to Take A Bow in a slow crescendo that actually sounded like some sort of choir, Q all flushed and pointing at Matt as she sang Time Is Running Out and the rhythmic clap-clap-clap of Starlight...

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Big Day Out!

I'm not going to post anything massive now, as I'm so exhausted I can barely move. Whew. Suffice to say that I had a bloody fantastic time, and adored Muse and the Killers. Of course. Muse were just... everything I'd expected, plus quite a bit more. The Killers rocked, of course!

More tomorrow... or whenever I actually have time to post... Wah, so tired...

But Muse! Matt and Chris and Dom! Bloody hell, I'll never forget this night. Nevare!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


So, I have a place! I was informed this morning that I got the house that I applied for in Yarraville, which is a freaking palace compared to some of the dumps that I've looked at for around the same price. I can't believe it, there are thousands of people looking for places at the moment! If this house was in Brunswick or Carlton or Northcote or anywhere I've been looking, there is no doubt in my mind that it would have been $50 more a week, and no doubt flooded with hundreds of people for open inspections. I'm not kidding, all of the houses I looked at in Brunswick had at least twenty to fifty people looking at them. Gah! Stupid people moving down for uni!

But I have my house, now, thank the gods above. I was so stressed about about not having a place for when Ash gets here, and worrying that I'd spend the whole Hobbmeet freaking out over that sort of thing, but it's all sorted! Yay!

Not to mention the Big Day Out on Sunday! I finally, finally, finally get to see Muse! Ah, I've been bouncing about that alone for a week. And Jes and Q and Daisy! Freaking fantastic! I can't wait to see them again!

In short, everything is worked out. Everything is wonderful, actually. To think I actually stressed out about all of this...

Monday, January 15, 2007

Abodes, etc

I have been so slack lately about updating the blog... Sorry. I've had barely any internet access at all, seeing as our phone isn't working, and it's all geared towards looking for a house. I think I'm going to turn into a full-blown house perve like my dear Grandmother. She will literally walk through building sites to peer into half-finished houses...

Anyway, it was her birthday yesterday, so I got up hellishly early and came up to Castlemaine. There was food, there was wine, there was cake. It was all rather good, actually. The night before I went to the Corner Hotel in Richmond to catch up with an old friend... and watched amateur wrestling while I was at it. It was hilarious, my uni friends kept on screaming randomly into the crowd, while men in very tight pants pretended to deal out some serious pain. Heh. How amusing.

But most of all, I'm house hunting. Boring stuff, although there might be a murder or two along the way. There are so many people looking! I'll need to thin the ranks...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Keppet's Sig

Two protons expelled at each coupling site creates the mode of force, the embryo becomes a fish though we don't enter until a plate, we're here to experience, evolve the little toe, atrophy, don't ask me how, I'll be dead in a thousand light years, thank you, thank you, genesis turns to its source, reduction occurs step wise though the essence is all one, end of line. FTL system check. Diagnostic functions within parameters repeats the harlequin, the agony exquisite, the colours run the path of ashes...
[Cylon Poetry]

Just... just read that. What does it make you feel?

For me, it gives me the feeling that all great poetry does, a lightness, a defined sense of perfection and exhilaration and... of something connecting on a higher level.

This actually reminds me a little of Plath's Lady Lazarus. Of course, Plath is a lot more grotesque, particularly with this poem, but something in the Cylon poetry reminds me of it.

Keppet has shamed me into trying to write some of my own. (See, I'm not defeatist.)

I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A Sprinkle of News

The house hunt continues. I was rather upset the other day, as a beautiful, affordable, wonderful place in Brunswick West was stolen right out from under my nose. A damn shame, too, it was a lovely house, and in budget. In case you have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm looking for a place for Ash and I to live in when she comes over, which will be on the 1st of Feb. Extremely excited, and somewhat nervous about actually getting a place, but I'm hunting around, and it's looking fine at the moment.

I'm actually in a surprisingly good mood, considering I've spent the morning running around for Centrelink and looking for work (and a house.) I had a massive Hobbling inspired giggle on the train a little while ago when listening to OMWF. You know, the 'Understand we'll go hand in hand' part in 'Where Do We Go From Here?' Yeah, I totally lost it over us all doing that when we sang it in the NY apartment. How many of us actually struck a pose and did a face? *snigger* Maybe it was just me. Fed has photos, right?

Saturday, January 06, 2007

To Do List

- Clean room.

- Get watch buffed to get rid of the scratch.

- Finish my novel, edit.

- Find a place to live in the next week or two.

- Get a job, so that I can afford to rent said house.

- Get pins for my notice board.

- Copy DVDs for Q and Sky.

- Watch the new BSG.

- Find a new temporary co-host for SYN.