Saturday, December 30, 2006


My brother went on something called the 'Tour De Pubs' in Bendigo last week. The idea is that you ride around in a pack from pub to pub and drink yourself stupid. It's a two day event, and covers probably about twenty pubs a day?

He drank 52 pots. 52! I'm partly horrified (mostly because he spent $200 or something on beer, and owes me money) and partly a little impressed.


Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Tis The Season

Christmas ended up being very cool. But let me start from the beginning.

I worked late Sunday night, but was rewarded with a bottle of Riccadonna. Yay for a boss who gives presents. I got home quite late, and had to get up early to catch the train to Castlemaine. That was fine, all fine, although slightly painful, as I am not a morning person. I stay up late all night and read, usually, so getting up early is not my favourite thing.

The 9.35 train was turned into a bus. That sucked, because it usually adds on at least an hour. I whined about that a little in my head. And then the bus didn't show up. And the two that did were swamped with smirking people going direct to Bendigo. Grah. And the Geelong line was down as well, so there were hundreds of people getting shitty, and annoying people being all like 'I don't know why people are shitty! This is fine!' I had to wait two and a half hours to get a bus! And then it took forever, seeing it was a stopping all stations one. I ended up getting rescued from the train station by my brother at 2pm. Shudder. But, my iPod isn't dead after all, which cheered me up. Also, I was given hugs, presents and a glass of champagne as soon as I walked in the door.

Christmas lunch was brilliant. I had a trashbag Auntie who kept being horribly obscene around Grandma, and my cousin who matched me drink for drink. We talked travel stuff, which was great. The food was amazing, the conversation and company fantastic.

Also, I think it was the first Christmas in which I didn't feel awful for having a good time without Dad. I guess it's been long enough, eh?

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Mmmmm, Red.

If I ever have money at some point, I am so getting me one of these:

How could I not own a red iPod? Besides, the battery on my green mini (Lola) is giving up, and I don't think she's going to hold out much longer. I know, I know, why would I go back for more when one iPod has slowly died on me? Because I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that they've made them better than the older ones.

Not only that, but the 8gb version will cost about the same as my old 4gb. I'm not greedy, I don't need a million gig. Even four is plenty for me. I only listen to six or seven albums most of the time anyway. But a little more room might be nice.

...and it's red.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Argh! I GOT IN!

I got into the Swinburne radio course! I got in! I got in! I can't believe it as I type it. I was seriously setting myself up for not making it in. I was sure that I wasn't going to make it. They only take about 20 people a year, and a whole lot of people go for it. Holy fuck, I can't believe it! I got into the course! Me!

I got the call as I was down the street getting myself a pie. The girl in Alfa recognised me and asked how I liked Yarraville. That was so nice, aw. And then the call! As soon as he said his name, I wigged... I almost said 'Just tell me!' and he offered me a place and I yelled 'Hooray!'

And then I started crying... Why am I being such a silly girl? I seriously laugh a little and cry a bit every time I think of it. I seriously can't believe it. I got into it. Yay! Yay! Yay!

More about the party and putting Jade on Neighbours later. I'm going to celebrate with some BSG.


Friday, December 15, 2006

drunk post

Wow, am pissed. Not much more to say, really...

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A Big Bloody Happy Birthday to Meee!

Totally selfish post. I just wanted to prance about and be a happy creature, for I am having a very fine day indeed. One could say that itn is quite marvellous, actually! Even though I was repeatedly woken by text messages and phone calls this morning, beginning at the ungodly hour of 7am, at least they were nice messages... Hooray. I possibly shouldn't have stayed up late watching the Muse Absolution DVD, but it's so amazingly good with my headphones. For cheap ones, they rule. I actually got the shivers a few times. Such amazing musicians. Mmm, Muse.

So far today, all I've done is potter about in my PJs and checked my email and the board. Nice and slack to begin with, I think! I did sit outside in the backyard for a little while, which was lovely. Just a nice amount of sunshine versus shade, a nice breeze and pretty birds. And the soundtrack of the morning has been the Scissor Sisters, and it's impossible to sit still when the new album is playing. *rocks out, in a glam rock way*

I'm having an awesome birthday so far. Yay! This is brilliant!

Oh yes, and my flatmate has a scanner, so be prepared for many photos of little Emma when I get some from home. Heh, some even have pigtails and dresses.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


So I'm in a strange mood today. Yesterday I was all buzzed and bouncing over some newly-discovered confidence when it comes to my writing, but today I just feel flat and... dare I say it? Apathetic. It might be because the John Marsden Short Story Awards are on tonight, and I'm planning on attending. (It was going to be a night out at the AFIs, but long story short, I'm not going.) For a while I was excited about the night, and then I felt very meh about it. For one thing, I'm sure I won't win, seeing as my story was massively edited since I sent that draft. I was cool with that, thinking that I can always edit the hell out of it (again) and send it out somewhere else. Now I just feel like I suck.

Of course, I'm writing this without knowing the result, so I'm going to look like a fucking idiot if I win or place.

There are a few niggling little problems on the home front, although I do mostly enjoy the new place.

Or maybe it's that I sent off the audition CD for the radio course today. I don't know if I did my best. Is that going to screw me? I tried hard to get it to sound good, but I didn't manage to put some extra stuff on, which I could have done. I just wasn't confident enough with the SYN equipment to copy something from the audio log onto the file I was working on. But never mind, what will come will come.

Maybe I need to go on a chocolate bender to cheer myself up.

Edit: Looks like I lost out. Well, I never expected a win. I'd hoped, of course. Well, that sure has made me feel worse. If you don't mind, I'm going to go and wallow in my own self-pity for a while.

Friday, December 01, 2006


I did it! I won! Well, when I say I won, I mean that I managed to type the required amount of words. I still think I was justified in buying comic books to celebrate.

Now, here's where I hit you up. They're just a tiny bit short of their mark on donations this year, so if you want to help me celebrate and you have an extra $10 laying around, pop over to and donate. I've donated, and I'll be throwing some more money at them soon. Yeah, alright, it's mostly because I want the bad-arse 'Writer' tattoo. But it's for a good cause, and promoting art for art's sake, so if you feel like it, go for it!

Congratulations to everyone who won! And to everyone who gave it a shot, good on you. I reckon you're awesome for giving it a bash.