Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Mmmmm, happy.

Well, it's been a series of excellent days, lately. I've decided that I'm not going to worry about finding a flatmate (as this seems almost to have been taken care of already. Or, at least, a few people getting back to me with potential have made me stop freaking out.) Also, I think I've let go of being horribly upset that Ash will be leaving soon. Yes, it's going to happen, and I shouldn't spoil the time we have left by collapsing into a pile of tears all of the time.

I don't know why I'm so stupidly happy. I just am. Maybe it had something to do with going out to that 21st the other night. Haven't really been to a party where I don't really know anyone for a while. It was very good fun, actually. Oh, and I'm sure the fun of last Thursday (apart from the horrible notice from the VEC, which should be sorted out, anyway) had something to do with it.

Maybe it's been the fact that I've been able to sleep in lately. How I do adore a good sleep in, especially when you can wake up and have a nice warm cuddly snuggle with your love. Mmm, yay.

Or maybe it's because I managed to spend pretty much all of Sunday writing. OK, so it wasn't anything I'm going to be showing to all and sundry, but it was really good to be able to just write all day.

Of course, there's always the possibility that it's all to do with my tax return. Mwahahaha, I seriously thought I wasn't going to get anything this year! Hooray for almost a grand! After stressing out so much about money lately, it's so good to be able to relax a little. (Well, as soon as it hits my account, of course.) Yeah, see, I am a horrible person to be joyous over something like cold hard cash.

And I'm looking forward to hanging out with Kate! Hooray!

Yep, I feel quite marvellous, thank you very much.

Sunday, July 29, 2007


"If I lose the light of the sun, I will write by candlelight, moonlight, no light. If I lose paper and ink, I will write in blood on forgotten walls. I will write always. I will capture nights all over the world and bring them to you."

- Henry Rollins.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Old Mail

Last night I went on a slightly drunken adventure to Bimbo's and Bar Nothing, which was rather entertaining (especially the $4 pizza. Mmm!) Bar Nothing has exceptionally cheap (and exceptionally nasty) cocktails, so we had a few drinks there, too. After that, Ash and I went back to Erika's house, and I was shocked to find an infringment notice from the Victorian Electoral Commision in some old mail that had been delivered to Brunswick.

I so voted in that election! It was in November, and I knew that I was still on the registry for my old address, so I went over and hung out with Erika and voted. Oh, and the fine was due on the 4th of July, and they said if they didn't pay it, I might have to go to court! Wah! I had to go into the Electoral Commission today and sort that out. Bloody hell. I hope I don't get into mountains of trouble over that.

Now, I should go and clean the house. (But I think I'll eat something and watch DVDs instead.)

Sunday, July 22, 2007


I can't find my Muse Absolution Tour DVD anywhere! I've seriously searched the entire house, and it's nowhere! Nowhere!

If I lent it to you, and I forgot, please tell me so I know where it is!

My poor DVD, lost and abandoned... *sniffle*

Saturday, July 21, 2007

As Expected

All I really did today was go and get Harry Potter and read it, so that's not too exciting.

It was rather nervous walking through the city on the way to Borders. I had this horrible paranoia that some idiot was going to mention spoilers in front of me and ruin the whole thing. Luckily, nobody did, but it certainly made me jumpy. (Since the leaks happened, I've been threatening death to anyone who spoiled me. Maybe they were listening?)

There was actually a massive queue for the book at the Melbourne Central Borders, but it didn't take too long. About half an hour? Ash had lost her voucher thing, but the staff had anticipated that, with one register underneath a sign saying 'Lost your Harry Potter voucher? Line up here!' Heh. Didn't stop Ash lamenting that she had to join the 'stupid queue.'

Also, I got a fluffy Hedwig. Awww, fluffy Hedwig.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

People Are Shit: Here's Why

I've been working all week at Swatch, because my boss has been away at meetings and things like that. It's rather good, I clocked up some nice hours this week, and we've done well with sales and things like that.

The only dark spot today came in the form of a British couple with a Calvin Klein watch.

Now, while the Swatch Group makes the CK watches (as well as a stack of others, like Tissot and Omega) we are NOT, under any circumstances able to fix or modify or even look at any of the other brands in the Swatch store. We're just not. Not only can we void the warranty, but we don't have the right links or pins or even tools to fix them. Besides, some watches have links that cost $40 each and there's no way we can just pull them out of nowhere to fix them. Usually we direct people to the head office and service centre, because they have watchmakers on staff who can deal with them.

Anyway. This British couple comes in with their watch, and asks the New Girl (who is rather nice) to fix it. She notices that it's a CK and tells them that sorry, we can't fix anything that isn't a Swatch. They bluster and object, while New Girl politely tells them why. I look over from fixing someone else's band and mention to them that we don't have the right pins for a CK. (The band had fallen off - if it had of been a Swatch, we could have put it on again.) The man thrusts the watch back at New Girl and demands that she fixes it, seeing as the pin is in the strap. 'Just fix it! Fix it! It'll take you two seconds!' he shouts.

New Girl once more politely refuses. I step in and fish about for a card for head office, also on the verge of mentioning a jeweller/watchmaker around the corner who can usually do things like that. The woman sighs loudly and snatches back the watch. I hand the H/O card to the man.

The guy throws the card at my head and screams 'Idiots!' and then storms out of the store.

Yeah. What the fuck? He screamed at me and chucked a card at my face! What a tool!

I stood there shocked for a moment before saying 'Excuse me, how rude!' at his retreating back. Waaaanker.

The group of people waiting for me to adjust their band were very, very nice after that.

Saturday, July 14, 2007


Telanu has finished the Tea Series! Telanu has finished the Tea Series! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! *dances* She's done, she's done, she's done!

Apparently it's currently in the hands of the betas, and it'll be up in a couple of days or two.

Wow, I think I'm more excited about this than the real HP...

80,000+ words of Telanu goodness! *squeesplodes some more*

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Little Things

You know how you sometimes get messages from people that are obviously meant for someone else? Yeah, that happened to me twice today. The Emma brain-saturation point must be higher than usual...

I've been sick for the last week, so therefore have been very slack on the blog updates, but all I would have typed was 'I feel like a cadaver that's been beaten with a dirty great stick', so you didn't miss much. Apart from the fact that I clocked Ultimate Spider-man on my friend's PS2. Hurrah!

Oh, and good news on the writing front. I had a major, huge revelation about my book that's going to make it a gazillion times better. Whew, thank bob, because I was horribly stuck and depressed about it. I'm going to have to make some major changes, but it needs a massive overhaul anyway. Actually quite pleased with myself about that. I love it when my half-asleep brain comes up with spectacular ideas. Good brain.

Also, Harry Potter movie tomorrow! Yay! I made the mistake of watching Prisoner of Azkaban with Ash all snuggled up in bed with the laptop the other night. Yeah, you don't want to be in a situation like that with her when Snape comes on the screen. She was pretty much like Q while we were watching Muse. Red-faced, giggling occasionally and staring with a predatory grin fixed onto her face. It was scary! Man, what she's going to be like during those Occlumency lessons, I don't know... (PS. Professor Snape is a Sexy Bitch.)

I also found out that the cool store in Yarraville sells iron-on letters! I wonder if Karl will let me wear a t-shirt with 'Lesbian' written on it to work... Hmm. I was going to make Ash an 'I heart Snape' shirt, actually. For obvious reasons... Well, I still need to iron-on my BSG patches. Yay for nerdy glee.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Want! Want Want Want!

I'm having some serious book cravings here. I know, I know, I really shouldn't complain, seeing as I think I was the first one to finish Renegade's Magic and all, but still! There are so many things that I can't get my hands on yet, and I really WANT them!

Least amongst them is this. Red Seas Under Red Skies, aka the latest offering from the wonderful Scott Lynch of The Lies of Locke Lamora fame. I got Ash Lies for our anniversary. I've read it twice, and she hasn't read it at all. Whoops. It's so good, though! Extremely entertaining and tricky, and the characters are very likeable. Want! I'm almost considering ordering this from Amazon.com.uk, seeing as I have no idea when it'll be out here. Publishers say August. Well, I'm not bloody waiting that long if I can help it! Waaaaant this book.

Another book I read and finished yesterday (whoops again) was Godslayer by the wonderful Jacqueline Carey. It follows on from Banewrecker, and is sort of a LOTR-type situation, although it's all told from the 'bad guys' persepctive. Seriously awesome writing, and a very good finish. You almost don't know who to cheer, really. I love that Carey has turned typical fantasy on it's head for this one.

Of course, it's making me want to read Kushiel's Justice. Want want want this book. Oh, yes. Bring it on. Carey is just so good. *happy sigh* Beautifully structured world, great characters and I want to know what's happening next. You can read the first two chapters of this on her website. But don't, because if you're a fan, it'll make you all crazy wanting to read the rest. Another one that I'm considering ordering from overseas.

Then there's the biggest one of all. George RR Martin's A Dance With Dragons. He's working on it, and having to put up with some truly shitty fans who keep pestering him on his blog about it. Seriously, I would knock over an old lady to get this book. I don't care if I have to busk to pay for this (on the off chance that I'm still a horribly poor uni student when it comes out) but I will get it. Drool. If you're a fantasy reader and haven't read Martin, go. Read it now. I know some people don't like it because it's bloody and depressing, but seriously. He's almost the best damn writer I've ever had the pleasure to read. And the size of the world! Give me anyone else who can write something this massive this well and I'll... Do something mad. Because, honestly, he's the best. (Apart from Hobb. Hobb on a good day.)

Also, I'm hanging out for the next installment of Telanu's Tea Series, titled Fire by Fire. Thank god it's fanfic, or I'd have to wait for it to be properly published. Not that I wouldn't shell over cold hard cash to read it. *grin* Ah, Telanu. Not only can she write Devil Wears Prada fic that'll kill you, but her Tea Series... Well, let me just say that thus far, it's magnificent, and it completely opened my eyes about certain characters...

Oh, and then there's this. *grin*