Sunday, September 30, 2007


Didn't end up going to the movies today. Boo. Instead, we wandered the city, looking for a cinema that was showing what we wanted, when we wanted. (It was a journey reminiscent of Kate and my trek, which ended with us coming back to my place to cackle over Spin the Bottle. Sadly, Wes falling over was not a part of today's merriment...)

After looking around at Greater Union, and not finding much, we decided to have a pint at the James Squire Brewery. Mmmm, excellent, excellent beer right there. Following a leisurely drink and several games of pool, we decided that the Gin Palace was worth a look. We went, we drank (spectacular) gin, we talked about the human body as a machine.

I was going to head home then, but was convinced to try Toff of the Town. Sadly, we couldn't go into one of the tram carriage bars, but we did have Frangelico. Mmmm, Frangelico and lime.

So, you know, it wasn't that upsetting that we didn't get a chance to go to the movies, in the end.


Says it all, really, doesn't it?

Friday, September 28, 2007

Go Cats!

If GRRM can talk about football, so can I!

Tomorrow, Geelong play Port Adelaide in the Grand Final! Everyone in Melbourne seems to have jumped on the bandwagon for the Cats, which is kind of cool. I'm going to watch the game at Fed Square, as they're showing it on a big screen. It'll be awesome!

I really hope they win... Geelong always do the whole choke at the last minute thing, so please please please don't let them do it in their best season ever...

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Voice and Determination

OK, watching the video below has kind of made me realise something. I really want to do some voice-over work. Like, seriously. Maybe kind of even for a real life, proper job. I was recording some bits and pieces for a documentary in the studio today, and it's been a while since I used the super-mega-expensive studio microphone and the good headphones (yes, I have been making ads, but I've been directing other people a lot, which is just as fun) and, yeah. I'll try not to sound horribly conceited here, but I really do have a very nice voice, don't I?

Yeah, I know, Sexpot Tones and all that, but I honestly think that with all of the voice work I've been doing (uni work as well as a couple of random sponsorship announcements for JOY949)that my voice has improved, a lot. Which is brilliant, because I'd love to get out there and start voicing things.

I'm going to send a demo off to a certain production company, whose GM came in to take our class for a while. He invited me to after I emailed him about it, as well as telling me to keep practising, but I was too worried about the quality of my proposed demo. Well, as soon as I've finished this round of homework (nearly done) I'm damn well going to put one together and send it away. Because I honestly think (without blowing my own trumpet too much) that I could do it, and that I could be good at it.

So, why not?


OK, I need this perfume, right now.

Because Muse + Eva Green = The best thing ever.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


OK, so I'm slightly annoyed with myself for completely failing to finish off any homework this evening. Goddamn it, everything is due Monday/Tuesday, and I know I have to get stuck into it, but I'm just so tired. Sigh. So, instead of writing news, or tinkering with my production stuff, I'm half-heartedly bashing away at my latest piece of writing which I can't decide upon. Is it complete arse, or semi-decent? Grah. Don't know!

At least I kind of know what I'm doing with that. Kinda. Now I just have to, you know, work to make it as spectacular as I can. Because, eeek, there is writing out there of this particular kind that completely pwns my stuff.

I'm sure I'd be doing better if I had of slept more than six hours last night.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Oh, November

If they bring even part of this set over, I shall wet my pants.

Muse at Wembley:

Oh, hell yes.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Oh, and Someone Hide the Chocolate

Haven't had a proper update in a while, have I? Well, things are going pretty damn well, actually. Tonight I applied for a job at 3AW, which would be pretty much training to produce talk spots... Quite a big scary deal, but seeing as it's over the summer, fits in very well with what I think is going to be my schedule. So, crossing my fingers for that. Hopefully I'll still be right to work at Swatch, because, you know, I don't want to screw them.

So! Wish me luck for that.

I'm on uni holidays at the moment, so apparently trying to get homework done, although that's not working out too marvellously right now. Whoops. I'm too easily led astray by doing nothing. Or by going for a walk into town. Or by converting a bunch of songs into better formats for my iPod (not that it would make much difference, my headphones are shit.)Must get documentary together. Just need a proper, captivating topic. Argh.

Also, I'm working hard on my current piece of writing. It's coming along well, so that's a bonus. I cracked it with myself the other day for getting jealous of other people getting books published and work out there. If I actually wrote a novel and shopped it (or finished the dismal effort I started) then maybe I could complain! Must crack the whip. Maybe this year's NaNo will inspire greatness (or at least get me writing again... Unless I just, you know, write some slash. Ahem.)

So, lots of balls in the air, lots on. But I'm happy, and that's the main thing, right?

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Wow, I'm tired. Time seemed to drag on at a horribly slow pace today at work. Funny, because yesterday I was constantly thinking that it was later in the day than it actually was.

Too tired to muse about how time is a slippery creature. Having Jasper Fforde flashbacks, though.

I think, very soon, I'm going to crawl into my mountains of doonas and curl around a notepad and get some of my current piece of writing onto the page.

So tired. *yawns* Where are my pyjamas?

Monday, September 10, 2007

Super Extra Gravity

What is it about the Cardigans that makes me all happy and mellow and blissed out? I really think they're the ultimate in music for my 'Sitting in front of the computer late at night wanting to get some writing done' moods.

OK, so I didn't get any writing done tonight (none that I didn't delete, anyway) but still.

Must be subliminal messages. I probably understand enough Swedish to pick up on that kind of thing, you know.

Saturday, September 08, 2007


- I found a little toy Spidey on my way home from the train station today. He was probably some kid's prize possession, but seeing as I found him, I'm taking it as a sign and am making him my very own. He even has hands that rotate and thwipp.

- I have a feeling that if Sylvia Plath were still alive, she would really get a kick out of the Dresden Dolls. Especially Girl Anachronism. And if I had of discovered them in high school when I was studying Plath, I might have never left the house.

- I watched the Devil Wears Prada with my flatmates this evening, and kept blushing the entire way through. Especially when anyone got in or out of an elevator. But I did manage to educate my flatmate about the gay, slashy subtext. And how.

- I still need to clean my room. And do my promotions assignment. And go to Ikea for various affordable Swedish crap, including but not limited to Swedish meatballs and lingonberry jam. Mmmm, tasty.

- I think I left potentially sensitive notes about a piece of writing on the bench at work. Goddamn it. I hope whoever found it either chucked it out, or can't read my writing. Shit shit shit.

- I got the best news today. Squee! Top secret, but I bounced for about an hour. Squee!

- Also? A piece of my writing was very well received in certain circles. Huzzah, I say. *pops open champagne* Because it nearly killed me writing it. I have ten drafts all saved under different names on my desktop. Ten! Nobody ever said writing was easy, right?