Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Last Drinks

So, packing packing packing and then off to the city for a cocktail at Chocolate Buddha and last drinks at Transport. I'm going to cry and hug people for a couple of hours, it's safe to say.
At least everyone is going to turn up! That's very cool indeed. I'll post some photos of my dear Auto family when I get back.

Ah, I hate saying goodbye! Hate it!

In the Reading Room (NaNo Effort)

The room was huge. The apprentice gaped. He had been warned of course, but he couldn’t quite believe it. He looked in every direction and couldn’t see past the rows and rows of desks in front of him. The room was mostly made of polished wood. They would have needed a forest and a million carpenters to make so many shelves. For all its space, the room had the warm, comfortable feeling of someone’s home study. There was a crackling fire every few metres and attendants scurried about carrying pieces of paper and looking frightfully busy.

‘The Reading Room,’ boomed the Chief. ‘In total, there are six billion desks with six billion texts upon them, yes? We couldn’t read them all. We simply don’t have the manpower. But we can monitor, and we do.’ He straightened his waistcoat. ‘Not only is it the sacred duty of our kind, but it is pretty good pay, too.’ The apprentice tittered nervously.

‘You would start off with a book or two, and move on to looking after an entire community. The standard assignment is fifty books per reader, and we find that this system works pretty well. If something goes wrong, we’ve set the books to shoot out a distress signal. A little flare of red or what have you,’ the Chief waved his hand absently. He stroked his walrus-like moustache. ‘As soon as that goes off, a supervisor will come and help you, if you need it.’

As if on cue, a small sparkle of red leapt out of a book near the Chief.

‘Hmm,’ he said, adjusting his glasses. ‘Looks like a car crash or something. Nothing too serious, or it would have really sparked. Cole! Get over here!’

A nervous looking man named Cole dashed over.

‘Have a look at this, will you? I’m just showing the new boy around.’

‘Pleased to meet you,’ said Cole, nose in the book. ‘I’ll see you around, yes?’

‘Probably,’ squeaked the apprentice. He peered over Cole’s shoulder.

‘Do you mind?’ Cole said tersely. ‘I have a situation here.’ He made a few notes in the margin of the book with a large quill. After a few moments scratching, he looked up with relief on his face.

‘I got an ambulance there as soon as I could,’ he said, wiping sweat off his face. ‘Nobody will notice that it couldn’t have gotten there for at least twenty more minutes.’

‘Good work, Cole. I knew I could count on you to fix it up.’ The Chief clapped him on the back. Cole blushed.

‘Now, where were we?’ The Chief strode on, the apprentice at his heels. ‘Ah yes. The nursery. It’s mainly duty for semi-retired staff. It’s a bit of a soft shift, actually. They sleep most of the time.’ He pointed to a fenced off area where skinny soft-covers rested together on desks, supervised by only a few watchers. There were plenty, but nothing seemed to be happening.

The apprentice looked beyond the nursery to where some older books lay. The Chief followed his gaze.

‘We call that area the Village. It’s where the older books go. You become hard, working there for too long.’ As they watched, a pathetic amount of red sparks fizzled out of a decrepit looking tome. A reader walked over to the book, bent down to study it, then slowly closed it. The thud of the book closing resounded through the Reading Room. The readers looked up from their various duties and shook their heads. All was silent for exactly one minute. After that, they got on with their work. A reader carefully picked up the book and took it over to a vast bookcase. A small sign on one of the shelves read ‘Out Of Circulation.’ The reader consulted a long list and, with tenderness, shelved the book.

‘Now, I don’t know if anyone’s told you, but we’re responsible for just one city. The country areas for this state are in this building, yes, but we have very little to do with them. No doubt you’ve toured the regional areas?’ The apprentice nodded.

‘I suppose that’s all I really need to show you today. Cleveland can fill you in on what you need to know for the every day business. Do you have any questions while I’m here?’

The apprentice thought for a moment.

‘Do we have books, too? Where do they keep them?’

‘Of course we don’t have books,’ laughed the Chief. ‘We’re the Readers. We watch over people. Somewhere, perhaps, my book rests on a desk somewhere. Then again, anyone who read it probably wouldn’t believe it, would they? They don’t know we exist.’ He sighed. ‘I’ll no doubt see you at the next staff meeting. Try to work hard, won’t you?'

The apprentice made a solemn promise that he would be diligent. He had to, in his line of work. Tomorrow, he would be a Reader, and lives would depend on him. He stood for a moment, pondering his new role and then scurried off to have his robes fitted. The Chief watched him go, and silently thanked the new generation for taking over. The apprentice didn’t look back. A clock chimed and behind him, all of the pages in the vast Reading Room turned as one.


I got so many things done today that I've been meaning to get done for an age. I'm so happy with that! I managed to completely clean out my previously crammed-with-clothing wardrobe and cull four or five huge bags of clothes from the mess. I'll keep most of them, I suppose. I'm always surprised at the number of Rock Eisteddfod shirts that I have. I must have about seven or eight from various years.

I went tea-shopping and dissolved into a puddle of delight at the new range at T2. I really must send some to Keppet before I go. Arctic Fire, Honey Honey or Madagascan Vanilla?

I also managed to tinker with my blog without exploding my computer or causing the internet to meltdown. Very pleased with that, actually. I don't feel like it's boring any more!

The later part of the evening was spent chatting to Ash, then sitting around with the Boys drinking several cups of tea and listening to the Strokes as well as a CD of Love Song Syndications. I also curled up in one of their comfortable chairs and scrawled into my leather notebook with my rubicund pen and giggled over Shane and I talking nonsense about Sombreros.

I should probably clear the clothes off my bed so that I can get to sleep.

Monday, February 27, 2006

New background?

Well, I certainly like it. *looks around*

I'm using this mainly because it looks great, and not because I intend on stealing culture and making it my own.

Do you think that I can get away with it?

I need feedback, people!

Friday, February 24, 2006

Space Dementia

I'm not going to post the lyrics, because they look slightly strange by themselves without the music, but my god, this song is beautiful.

It's by Muse, of course, and I think is the most beautiful example of piano in any of their songs. I think the first couple of bars are so sweeping and magnificent... Wow. I think I'm in love with this song. It reminds me a little of a few songs from Diorama that I adore, like Tuna In the Brine.

What a glorious song.

Now, excuse me while I look dreamy for a while...

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Love Song Syndications

We have our very last show coming up on Friday night. I'm looking forward to it, because we have recorded some great segments, and we're having an hour of cross-over with the girls after us, Hally and Ali of Midnight Snack. I'm having a scrag-fight with Deidre, and Shane has some great music organised.

It's going to be strange walking out of the studio for the last time. I'm picking up a spare shift or two in the week following, so it won't be my last show ever, but still... It's a part of my life that I'm going to miss.

But, damn it, I'm going to have a good time while I'm lucky enough to be on air. And I'm seriously thinking of applying for the Really Hard to Get Into Radio Course. Who knows? Perhaps they'll fall under the power of the Sexpot tones?

And does anyone have any requests?

Listen here!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Quoth the Writer...

"Re-upholster your furniture using old underpants which have lost their gussets.

Note: If you have lost the extraneous pieces of old underpants and mysteriously retained the gussets, sew them together and use them to strain yoghurt."

Kaz Cooke, 'The Little Book of Household Madness.'

Sunday, February 19, 2006


So. My bookshelves have been stripped. All I'm left with is the row of my favourite books on top of my computer desk. There they are, Hobb and Nix and Fforde... My wax is sitting in a little shelf next to them, along with my jars of ink and a cork from a bottle of wine in Paris. On top of the books perches my address book, a book of Plath, some old letters and a strip of photos.

I'll really be leaving when that stuff is packed away. My bookshelves are empty, and Mum has even wiped the dust off.

Still plenty of things to pack, but it definately has started. It won't be long now and everything will be packed or stored or borrowed out, and I'll be on my way.

Last night was the turning point, I think. After a long conversation, I realised exactly how much I want to go. I'll miss everyone, but that's ok. My friends will be here, they always will. And I get to go off and have an adventure. I can't wait! If I could have left last night, I would have.

I'm not scared any more. I'm thrilled. I feel like I'm spreading my wings instead of huddling in the bottom of the nest. I'm flying away to have an adventure, and all I can do is smile about it.

Friday, February 17, 2006

The List

Erika. Sean. James. Michelle. Meagan. Age. Shane. Lisa. Chris. Bel. Richard. Katie. Anthony. Chloe. Luke. Cindy. Fez. Kate. Peta. Ian. Katherine. Mel. Andy. Josh. Dave. Cherry. Bonnie. Ange. Iggy. Luke. Jamie. Aggie. Lisa-Watti. Pilko. Mel. Tranny. Wendy. John. Stan. Paul. Simon. Dennis. Lizzie. Tim. Andy Mc. Andrew. Robbie. Callum. Carolyn. Chelsea. Marco. Rose. Janine. Rosa. Skye. Ameen. Timmy. Wilson. Andy R. Kyle. Anna. Dee. Jacquie. Leigh. Mama. Robina. Zey. Ness. Nugget. Helen. Elisha.

I'll miss 'em all.

But it will be worth it.


Thursday, February 16, 2006

Creative Efforts

I haven't been writing much lately, but today I managed to create the following.


Awful Hormonal Poetry Ahead!

Turn away now if you don't want to be faintly disgusted. *laughs* No, I'm rather serious. Try to think of it as artistic rather than gross.



Parts of me are creeping out,

I’m twisting and bunching to be rid of it all.

The blood on my thighs is blood on my hands,

Shining red tears on the small, smiling faces

That I have dismissed without so much as a grimace.

I am moonstruck, like so many others,

Pressed into servitude to the barrages of glowing flushes,

And insidious midnight whispers.

Still, my façade is as smooth as a lunar lake.

The $50 bargain

Going against all tradition, mine is in blue.

Alas! The link is not working. It was working yesterday! Well, it's supposed to show you a picture of my new jacket. Drat.

Here's the long link. Sorry, blog skills are awful.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Like the Beatles Song - Come Together

I just got an email from the Travel Agenty lady who has been organising my flights. I was panicking because I need to be a full-time student to get the Amazing Airfair deal, and it turns out that I just need to flash my Deakin card (still valid, seeing as it was stolen and they issued me a new one) and not tell the airline staff that I'm taking a world trip instead of studying. Hee! I love it when I can get away with sneaky things. And I'm very glad that my Travel Lady is letting me get away with it. Hooray!

Plus, I got my Very Important Letter today, which contains a little piece of paper that made me very, very happy. After stressing about the student thing, and agonising over finances, everything is actually working out!

I should just trust that it will. It always does. Seriously. There has not been one thing in my life that hasn't worked out well in one way or another. It's like I have a mystical fairy looking out for me and making things go my way. Of course, there are plenty of things that aren't exactly puppies and sunshine, but everything that I ever worry about turns out to be all ok in the end.

Perhaps I should build my little fairy some manner of shine?

Monday, February 13, 2006

Green Eyes

'Green Eyes' by Coldplay.

Honey you are a rock
Upon which I stand
And I come here to talk
I hope you understand

That green eyes
Yeah the spotlight shines upon you
And how could anybody deny you
I came here with a load
And it feels so much lighter
Now I met you
And honey you should know
That I could never go on without you
Green eyes

Honey you are the sea
Upon which I float
And I came here to talk
I think you should know

That green eyes
You’re the one that I wanted to find
And anyone who tried to deny you
Must be out of their mind

Because I came here with a load
And it feels so much lighter
Since I met you
And honey you should know
That I could never go on without you
Green eyes
Green eyes
Ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh ooh

Honey you are a rock
Upon which I stand

Good Day

Today has been a great day. I've cooked myself a huge delicious lunch and have done away with the pesky dishes like a good flatmate. I got an email from the Lawyer saying that I should have The Money rather soon, which is great. I've been stressing about that for days. But now, it is all falling into place.

Today is just good. Just because. I'm a happy girl.

Friday, February 10, 2006



Thursday, February 09, 2006


I feel really blank today. Like I'm a body without a personality living in it. I'm not bored or excited or tired or upset, but I'm... blank.

There are plenty of things I should be doing, but I don't want to start anything, because I have to leave for work soon. That's all my days are, lately, sitting around waiting to go to work. I am working too hard, and I need a holiday.

And I hate the fact that I'm sitting around doing nothing. I feel I should be doing something. But I'm not. All I've done today is go get lunch and sit around watching Serenity. I could at least start packing up the random things sitting around my room. But I have no motivation, and I hate that.

Monday, February 06, 2006

The Night

I must, of course, start from the beginning. Well, I could start from the end, but that would be awfully confusing, wouldn't it? Right, so, on the way to work in the morning, James and I went emergency clothes shopping (because my outfit was a mess and I needed a nice shirt) and braved Cotton On. I figured if the shirt was going to have beer spilled all over it (and that happened more times than I could count) it was only worth spending $30 on. Wise me. I got the shirt and went to work where I got slammed. Lovely. Knocked off at about 6 and went home. I dumped my stuff and went over to the boy's place, where James attempted to cook me dinner in the form of ham and cheese sandwiches, (which stuck to the grill) and Sean ironed my pants, because I had no clue how to iron in a crease.

We got all dressed up and I stole some of Erika's expensive mascara. (Ha! That'll teach her not to take it on holiday with her!) My face was bright red from hot shower plus vigorous exfoliating, so I stuck my face into the freezer for a minute. I don't think I was thinking very clearly, actually...

James, making sure to have the ticket in his pocket (I entrusted it to him, I would have lost it) herded me towards the tram. We ended up waiting for a bus or a tram for 45 goddamn minutes. I almost swore near and old lady. We finally caught the bus and got off at the other end of Crown. Actually, I fluttered my lashes at the driver, and he let us off at the crossing rather than about another 200m away where the stop actually is. Nice driver. We saw many many amazing fireworks from the Chinese New Year celebration they're having a Crown. It's been years since I saw good ones, actually. Seriously impressive, though. I wished I had a camera on me.

We arrived at Auto and found everyone sitting around having a drink while waiting for the closing staff to finish. After a very large vodka, we made our way up to Transport by walking along the river bank. Pretty, pretty city lights. We arrived to find the longest queue in the world out the front of Transport. With much grumbling and pushing in, we eventually made our way in.

Oh, did I mention that everyone looked great? They did. Seriously good! And everyone loved my hat. (I almost posted a Biped-esque 'I love my hat, I love my hat' the other day.)

So, we discovered that we were allowed all of the tap beers! Woo! That meant that James and I drank Asahi and Beez Neez and Cascade Blonde and Stella Artois instead of Carlton or VB. Thank god. We were given giant plastic steins. There was much quaffing involved.

Almost immediately after I entered the building, some guy knocked me into someone else and I got a blood nose. Idiot. Ran upstairs to tend to the bleeding and heard Annoying Bar Guy in cubical next to me (yes, he had wandered into the ladies) doing a line of coke. Yelled at him that I could hear what he was doing from my stall. Then I heard my supervisor shouting 'Is that you, Annoying Bar Guy?' Heh. Not that she really cared...

After I was better, I ran around and chatted and lost James, and found James, and danced like a maniac to Basement Jaxx and various other funky tunes. Had more beer. Had yet more beer. Watched the gay boys making out. Was then pounced upon by gay boys with intent. Attempted to fend them off. Got away with minimal kissing. Ran off to find James, who was dancing with some of my work friends.

The next couple of hours was pretty much just that, actually. At 4:30 am Lush got hold of the microphone and told everyone that the after party was at the Peel, (seedy gay club sort of near my house) so we all jumped in cabs and went there. I mostly just sat around drinking water and chatting while James cut a rug on the dance floor. Oh, wait, I think I was dancing on a podium at one stage with Punk Cashier.

We decided at about 5:15 that I wanted drunk food, so James and I left. We found Tranny (great kisser from all reports, and the nickname is from his last name, Trantor) sitting on a bench having a ciggie. James, Tranny and I went and got Maccas. The breakfast menu was on! I had a sulk about not being able to get a quarter pounder, but made up for it with hotcakes and hash browns. We left Tranny there buying Maccas for his boyfriend, and walked in the lightening morning to Nicholson Street. There was a pretty sunrise happening by the time we got back to Brunswick Road, actually. I drank some water and crashed and woke up three hours later feeling seedy as hell.

My heart was racing like mad so I sent a few panicked messages and got a lift to the doctor's with Age. Felt better after half an hour but wanted to make sure nothing was horribly wrong. I had to pee in a cup! They're doing tests to see if someone put something in my beer. I'll bloody kill someone if I find out they did! I was on a beer only night! I didn't feel like there was anything wrong at the time, so it was probably nothing, but just in case...

The highlight of the evening was an ex-staff member telling me that money cannot compare with the amazing benefits of travel.

All in all, I had a really good night. I'm not really even that hung over, but I'm sure tonight will be a bit nasty on the floor. I did have medicinal curry, though.

Oh, and I hope I don't worry anyone with the wacky doctor visit mention. I was just a bit worried, everything is fine!

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Work party tonight!

I'm going to be so very sick in the morning...

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Packing Up

I started cleaning my room today in order to prepare for the Big Pack Up which is supposedly happening on the 5th of March. I'm flying out on the 8th, and will be off and about in the world until sometime in October.

Good lord. I have so much stuff! Even my bookshelves are crammed full of photos and old teddies and an oil burner and a big smooth rock and a mask and an old tin of Castlemaine Rock and a broken camera and little glass sculptures and an old postcard and a hundred other things. I'm going to need a million cardboard boxes to contain all of the assignment sheets and essays and course handbooks and handouts that I accumulated over my three years of uni.

And then there's the clothes. I've already taken a huge bag down to the op shop after cleaning out my drawers, but I have many many more items to sift through.

I'm hoping that this one big clean out will be good. I'll get rid of the useless things that do nothing but gather dust in corners. I'll pass on old wearable clothes to people who'll actually wear them, and have much less confusion when it comes to packing my bags.

And then there are the goodbyes to say. I suppose the downside of having lots of friends is that you have to say goodbye to them all at one point or another. I'm not going forever, but it's a damn long time. I doubt that most of the Auto staff will still be there when I get back. Hopefully some of them will email me or keep in touch. Uni friends will be ok, because I know that they'll mail me with news and message me when they miss me. The board isn't going anywhere, which is a damn good thing. My brother hardly sees me anyway, so I doubt he'll be too upset. Mum is going to miss me, though. I'll be away for her 50th. At least I'll be able to call her? She knows how to use email now, so she can probably manage to mail me.

I'm really going to miss Erika and James and Sean. They're practically family. Erika likes to call us her 'down in Melbourne family.' Still, I can pester them with 3am phone calls and little Swedish packages and postcards.

Ah, I'm going to cry my eyes out at the airport, I can just tell.